Japanese American Internment 1941-1945
Executive Order 9066 Order by FDR February 19, 1942 Removal of those of Japanese ancestry from California, Washington, Oregon, & Arizona 120,000 Japanese Americans 2/3 Nisei – Born in this country
More than 120,000 Americans of Japanese Ancestry were incarcerated in the following 10 camps scattered throughout Western states during World War II: Amache (Granada), CO August 24, 1942 - October 15, 1945 Peak population: 7,318. Gila River, AZ July 20, 1942 - November 10, 1945. Peak Population 13,348. Heart Mountain, WY August 12, 1942 - November 10, 1945. Peak population 10,767. Jerome, AR October 6, 1942 - June 30, 1944. Peak population 8,497. Manzanar, CA March 21, 1942 - November 21, 1945. Peak population 10,046. Minidoka, ID August 10, 1942 - October 28, 1945. Peak population 9,397. Poston (Colorado River), AZ May 8, 1942 - November 28, 1945. Peak population 17,814. Rohwer, AR September 18, 1942 - November 30, 1945. Peak population 8,475. Topaz (Central Utah), UT September 11, 1942 - October 31, 1945. Peak population 8,130. Tule Lake, CA May 27, 1942 - March 20, 1946. Peak population 18,789.
That Damned Fence They've sunk the posts deep into the ground They've strung out wires all the way around. With machine gun nests just over there, And sentries and soldiers everywhere. We're trapped like rats in a wired cage, To fret and fume with impotent rage; Yonder whispers the lure of the night, But that DAMNED FENCE assails our sight. We seek the softness of the midnight air, But that DAMNED FENCE in the floodlight Awakens unrest in our nocturnal quest, And mockingly laughs with vicious jest. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, We feel terrible, lonesome, and blue: That DAMNED FENCE is driving us crazy, Destroying our youth and making us lazy. Imprisoned in here for a long, long time, We know we're punished--though we've committed no crime Our thoughts are gloomy and enthusiasm damp, To be locked up in a concentration camp. Loyalty we know, and patriotism we feel, To sacrifice our utmost was our ideal, To fight for our country, and die, perhaps But we're here because we happen to be Japs. We all love life, and our country best, Our misfortune to be here in the west, To keep us penned behind that DAMNED FENCE, Is someone's notion of NATIONAL DEFENCE!
Military Necessity It was necessary It was not necessary Fear of another attack Fear of Japanese Americans would sabotage to aid Japanese Fear of spies No actual evidence Other enemy races not interned Not a single Japanese spy ever discovered 442nd became most decorated unit in WWII –served with honor
Japanese Internment video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BJjo0BCbGo
Release Japanese Americans were released in 1945 & 1946 (3 years later) Were required to answer questions about loyalty to the United States before released.
Fred Korematsu v. United States Japanese American who refused internment. Arrested and filed a case Asked: Did the President & Congress go too far with E.O. 9066 Violation of Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments? Court ruled in 1944 that the need to protect Americans outweighed individual rights Raced based exclusion was justified in a time of war
The Civil Rights Act of 1988 (HR442) awarded redress to all surviving internees or their relatives. President George Bush sent this formal apology letter along with a $20,000 check.
Document Analysis Use the analysis chart to analyze the documents involving Japanese Internment. Letter – must analyze Pamphlets – pick one Pictures or Watercolor/Newspaper Article – pick one Once you have completed analysis chart answer the questions on the back. Second First