Unit V Review House or Senate??
House or Senate??
House or Senate?? We have 435 members House Gerrymandering affects us We serve two year terms We might have to pick the president, if there is no majority winner in the Electoral College We have 100 members Senate
House and Senate – tricky! House or Senate?? We can propose amendments to the Constitution with a 2/3rd’s majority vote House and Senate – tricky! We serve six year terms Senate We can override presidential vetoes with a 2/3rd’s majority vote House and Senate We are elected from single-member districts House We represent larger groups of people
House or Senate?? We have desks Senate Reapportionment affects us The framers wanted us to protect the interest of the elite The presiding officer in our chamber comes after the VP in the order of presidential succession Our chamber is more crowded
House or Senate?? We are campaigning all the time House We get nervous after a census We have more prestige Senate We are elected by the entire state All of our members are up for re-election every two years
House or Senate?? None of our members have served in the other chamber We have more minorities and women Members of our chamber often run for president Senate We protect the interests of the nation as a whole 1/3 of our members are up for re-election every two years
House or Senate?? We have a local or narrow focus to our leadership role House We were originally elected by state legislatures Senate We ratify treaties We serve on fewer major committees We tend to be “policy specialists”
House or Senate?? We serve on more major committees Senate We tend to be “policy generalists” We have more powerful committee chairs House We have a more equal distribution of power (all chiefs, no Indians) We have an emphasize on tax and revenue policy
House or Senate?? We confirm presidential appointments Senate The 17th Amendment applies to us We have the constitutional responsibility to offer the president “advice & consent” We initiate impeachment House We pass “Articles of Impeachment” – the equivalent of being indicted for a crime
House or Senate?? Our debate is limited House We have larger personal staffs Senate We have less formal, weaker leadership & less party loyalty We have the Rules Committee, which controls time and rules of debate The decisions in Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno affect us
House or Senate?? We have an older membership Senate We hold the impeachment trial; we vote to acquit or convict (which results in removal) We have “junior” members and “senior” members Our Majority Leader is the second most powerful person in our party in our chamber House We may have to pass a vote of Cloture
House or Senate?? We have formal, stronger leadership & more party loyalty House We have extended debates; filibusters allowed Senate Amendments we offer must be “germane” (relevant to legislation) We can take breaks between campaigning We can use a “discharge petition” to “jail break” a bill from committee
House or Senate?? The framers wanted us to be more responsive to the people House We represent smaller numbers of people 1/3 of our members served in the other chamber, before winning election to our side Senate Our re-election rates are not high as the other chamber Our re-election campaigns are more expensive
House or Senate?? Our incumbent re-election rates are very high House In our re-election campaigns, serious challengers are rare We have a younger membership After the president, our presiding officer is 3rd in the line of presidential succession Senate The VP hangs out with us fairly regularly
House or Senate?? Non-germane amendments may be offered in our chamber Our challengers are usually well known, have knowledge of issues and are well financed Turnover in the membership of our chamber comes when members decide to retire, decide to seek another office, or district lines are redrawn House We attract less media coverage
House or Senate?? We have a national focus to our leadership role Any of us can place a Hold on any bill We may have to call for outside assistance to break a tie vote We have always been elected by popular vote House We attract national media coverage
House or Senate??