Navigate PBC: Food Insecurity Training Cady Sandler, MPH Palm Beach County Food Bank WHO I AM MPH – believe that hunger is a health issue and my area of interest is how food affects our health Program Manager at PBCFB Oversee 3 programs at PBCFB, which I will talk about on next slide
PBCFB is celebrating its 5th year serving the PBC community We support PBC residents through 4 programs designed to combat food insecurity: Food Recovery & Distribution Benefits Outreach Food4OurKids Nutrition Driven
PBCFB has staff that attend each of the four subcommittee meetings I am a member of the Childhood Hunger Workgroup: Vested interest because of F4OK PBC has the 11th largest school district in the country, and over 112,000 of PBC’s students receive free or reduced lunch Nearly 70,000 kids live in households that receive SNAP benefits Since inception of Childhood Hunger Workgroup we have worked on: Identifying feeding programs (school week and weekend) and gaps in service Increasing community awareness of available programs Increasing the number of school and community gardens available to kids