RCAN CALPADS Update March 2018 Brian Sousa Administrator II - Student Data and Achievement Riverside County Office of Education Student Programs and Services Division
2017-2018 In Review Continuing to work with SELPAs to migrate CASEMIS to CALPADS Continued work on Perkins reporting Updated guidance on drops for truant students Revised exit reason definitions Updated EOY 3 to provide student exits Enabled reporting of military youth
Perkins/CTE E2 data did not meet the planned implementation date and was reported separately this year CTE course code alignments were performed and reported properly this year This was not without some creativity needed from districts The same course could not be used in two pathways
STAS/Exits Guidance was not to exit truant students until the formal intervention process up to, and including SARB had been conducted Urged districts to drop as of the last day of ADA collection Exception for habitual truants and students not returning from intersession Think expulsions too CALPADS Update 134 has the revised verbiage Students representing 0 ADA are advised to be exited as no-shows Exit code updates are largely based on guidance regarding attendance/drops
March 15th Notice The final certification deadline for the 2017–18 CALPADS Fall 2 data submission is Friday, March 23, 2018. It is important for local educational agencies (LEAs) to certify the Fall 2 data submission on or before March 23, 2018 in order to report their official student course enrollment, staff assignment and full-time equivalent (FTE), and English learner (EL) education services data. Certified Fall 2 data are used to fulfill federal reporting requirements, including counts of “inexperienced teachers” defined as teachers with two or fewer years of teaching experience. It also provides the California Department of Education (CDE) with the data necessary to pre- populate the 2017–18 School Accountability Report Card (SARC) template. EL education services data will be posted publicly on DataQuest. Please note that LEAs and independently-reporting charter (IRC) schools that report EL students who are not receiving services may be subject to additional monitoring. LEAs and IRCs that fail to certify their 2017–18 CALPADS Fall 2 data by the certification deadline are considered “at-risk” and therefore more likely to receive a Federal Program Monitoring review. There will be no opportunity to further amend your data once the March 23 deadline has passed. Thank you in advance for your assistance and diligence in certifying Fall 2 data by the March 23 deadline.
A New Look at New Grads CALPADS would take data from the ODS in the past to generate cohort preview reports As a result of using EOY 3 in place of Fall 1 to update completion outcomes, CALPADS will now have the ability to watch your cohort in real time No word on alternative schools at this time or if those reports will be applicable This may up your timeline to sort out summer school grads, bi- literacy, A-G completers, and merit diplomas
In Their Own Words Taken from the CALPADS website: Key changes that may require local business process changes and modifications to the allocation of staff are: LEAs will be required to exit all students from the prior school year as part of certifying End-of-Year (EOY) 3, including those students who are graduates. LEAs will have until mid-September to verify and update the graduate indicators (e.g., a-g completion, Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, Seal of Bi-literacy) since these indicators are used as part of the College/Career Indicator (CCI). LEAs should revise exit/completion codes by mid-September, for all students who complete graduation requirements by August 15, 2018, which is the end of the cohort window.
The Rumor Mill CALPADS is looking at no longer having the ungraded secondary option for adult transition age special education students CALPADS is working on a read-only security access level
Upcoming Events CALPADS Security Webinar 3/27/2018 CALPADS Information Meeting 4/17/2018