FRA survey data collection


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Presentation transcript:

FRA survey data collection Vida Beresneviciute Statistics & Surveys Sector Freedoms & Justice department, FRA Working Group Meeting for Statistics on Crime and Criminal Justice EUROSTAT 19-20 March 2018, Luxembourg

FRA’s mandate (Council Regulation (EC) 168/2007) to provide assistance and expertise on fundamental rights issues to the European Union institutions and the Member States, when they implement European Union law to collect, record, analyse and disseminate relevant, objective, reliable and comparable information and data on fundamental rights issues in the EU to promote dialogue with civil society, in order to raise public awareness of fundamental rights and actively disseminate information about its work

FRA’s surveys EU-MIDIS II (2015–2016) – EU-28 25,500 ethnic minorities & immigrants (including Roma) – random sample Fundamental Rights survey (2017–2019) – EU-28 + FYROM general population Pre-test and feasibility study (2016); Pilot (2017-2018) Second Survey on Discrimination and Hate Crime against Jewish people (2018) online (opt-in) – 13 EU MS Roma and Travellers Data Collection (2018–2019) – 6 EU MS LGBTI survey (2018–2019) – EU-28 + FYROM Antisemitism survey: AT, BE, DE, DK, FR, ES, IT, HU, LV, NL, PL, SE, UK Roma and Travellers survey 2018 (ongoing) – 6 MS: BE, FR, IE, NL, SE and UK.

Data collection timeline Second Survey on Discrimination and Hate Crime against Jewish people Fundamental rights survey 2017 2017 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 3rd quarter Today 2018 2019 Roma and Travellers survey LGBTI survey JEDIS launch – early May, the online collection for 8 consecutive weeks

What do the surveys ask? Feelings of safety and security (personal, family and friends) Experiences of physical violence and harassment Reporting of the incidents Awareness of rights and support mechanisms Surveys cover perceptions and experiences Experiences of physical violence and harassment: personal, family/children, close friends -- asking about awareness of others being a victim Incidents motivated by hatred – in EU-MIDIS II – experiences perceived by respondents as being connected to their ‘ethnic or immigrant background’, in case of the Second Survey on Discrimination and Hate Crime against Jewish people: ‘because of being Jewish’ Cyber crime – online experiences, e.g. offensive, personal comments on the internet; offensive emails or text messages Frequency of violence / harassment motivated by hatred Respondents who experienced harassment motivated by hatred are asked about the perpetrator(s)’ characteristics (whether the perpetrator was someone from work, a police officer or a border guard, or somebody who they clearly identified as a member of a right-wing extremist/racist group); number of perpetrators. These results can help identify the context in which hate-motivated harassment most commonly occurs, which in turn can support developing more targeted policy responses on combating harassment, encouraging reporting and assisting victims. Reporting – LAST or MOST SERIOUS; reasons for non-reporting. EU-MIDIS II asked also about level of satisfaction when dealing with the complaint.

Thank you statistics&