Calibration in the Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network The Standard Operating Procedures of the Calibration Laboratory 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory Supply of the reference standards for the components NO, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, BTX For the calibration of sensors for temperature, pressure, flow rate reference measuring devices are kept ready 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory For the calibration of the balance certificated weights – according to the manual of the balance – have to be available The traceability of the gaseous standards to the national standard is ensured 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory The basic calibration and the function control (lack of fit test) of new and repaired monitors are done by the Calibration Laboratory The Calibration Laboratory takes part on ring tests (national level) 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory The reference methods for PM10- and PM2,5-particle measurements are operated by the Calibration Laboratory SOP: Determination of the PM10 concentration by a gravimetric method DIGITEL DHA 80 SOP: Handling of the filter SOP: Preparation and storage of the filter 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory The Calibration Laboratory certificates the transfer standards (used in the network for calibrating the monitors in the stations) at least every three months. It is recommended to check the transfer standards in the Calibration Laboratory every time before using them in the stations 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Calibration Laboratory The (expanded) uncertainty according to the DQO of the Daughter Directives has to be determined by the Calibration Laboratory (SOP: Determination of the uncertainty for a NOx-monitor) The head of the Calibration Laboratory is responsible for the enforcement of these tasks 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Traceability chain National/international standard Reference analyser comparison and certification National/international standard Laboratory reference standard Calibration Reference analyser Certification traceability is ensured Transfer standard Calibration analyser on measuring site measured values 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
basic mainte-nance, repair Analyser calibration laboratory service Reference-standard Calibration basic mainte-nance, repair Reference-analyser Lack of fit test failed locked analyser measuring site check before each use Local-standard passed Transfer-standard every 25h zero and span check check every 6 month released analyser annual basic maintenance calibration every 3 months and after repair 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Analytical Laboratory Inductive coupled mass spectroscopy (VARIAN ICP-MS 820) Measurement of elements in dust and deposition dust HPLC system Merck Measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in fine dust Ion chromatograph Metrohm Measurement of anions and cations in ambient air probes 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008
Guideline Analytical Laboratory Measurement of deposition dust and heavy metals content Sampling of deposition dust Digestion of dust and deposition dust for ICP-MS analysis Measurement of NO2 concentrations in ambient air by passive sampling Measurement of BTX concentrations in ambient air by passive sampling 04.12.2018 Bernd Heits AQ-Workshop Bucharest, 01.-02. July 2008