Matthew 23
Matthew 23 The word hypocrite is translated from a Greek word meaning "actor," and refers to one who pretends, exaggerates a part, or is deceitfully inconsistent in his or her actions. Matthew 23:1–12: Is wearing a phylactery bad? Notice at all the “wo’s” in Matthew 23:13-36. Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23 How were the scribes and Pharisees being hypocritical? HYPOCRITICAL ACTIONS OF THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES Verse 13 They not only rejected Christ, His Church, and His offer of salvation, but they also tried to prevent others from accepting Christ and salvation. Verse 14 They were greedy and materialistic and preyed upon others’ misfortunes. Verse 15 They tried to recruit others to their false beliefs. Verses 16–22 Through their oaths, they showed more reverence for the temple’s gold and furnishings than for the Lord, whom the temple honors. Verse 23 They obeyed rules but ignored the more important doctrines and principles the rules were based on. Verses 25–28 They hid internal greed and self-indulgence beneath an exterior show of righteousness. They looked clean and attractive externally, but internally they were corrupt and spiritually decayed. Verses 29–30 They rejected living prophets while claiming allegiance to dead prophets. Matthew 23 Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers, How were the scribes and Pharisees being hypocritical?
Matthew 23 “Are we righteous in fact, or do we feign obedience only when we think others are watching? The Lord has made it clear that He will not be fooled by appearances, and He has warned us not to be false to Him or to others. Do we, indeed, actually live the gospel, or do we just manifest the appearance of righteousness so that those around us assume we are faithful when, in reality, our hearts and unseen actions are not true to the Lord’s teachings? Do we take on only the ‘form of godliness’ while denying the ‘power thereof’? Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Hypocrisy = Belief - Actions Matthew 23 Hypocrisy = Belief - Actions Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
[Belief (10) – Actions (0)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Matthew 23 [Belief (10) – Actions (0)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
[Belief (0) – Actions (10)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Matthew 23 [Belief (0) – Actions (10)] = you are a 10 on the hypocrisy scale Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers, Are you a hypocrite?
Matthew 23 “If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be. But we earnestly desire to overcome our faults and the tendency to sin. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
What is the opposite of hypocrisy? Matthew 23 What is the opposite of hypocrisy? Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23 Oranges Rea. Intent
Matthew 23 Oranges Rea. Intent
What are the different forms of hypocrisy? Matthew 23 What are the different forms of hypocrisy? Looking righteous (overcompensating) Looking righteous…but not too righteous Looking rebellious but are righteous Judging others that don’t belong to our faith Judging others within our faith Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23 Which doctrines have been misunderstood that have lead to hypocrisy within the church? I testify that God loves each of us—insecurities, anxieties, self-image, and all. He doesn’t measure our talents or our looks; He doesn’t measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other. I know that if we will be faithful, there is a perfectly tailored robe of righteousness ready and waiting for everyone, “robes … made … white in the blood of the Lamb.” Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Disciple Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel
Priesthood Holder Motives & Actions Disciple* Hypocrite ACTIONS Natural Man Rebel *Not perfect
What are some cures for hypocrisy? Matthew 23 What are some cures for hypocrisy? If you could share one message to people who have witnessed ‘LDS hypocrisy’, what would it be? Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23 “Come and add your talents, gifts, and energies to ours. We will all become better as a result….If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God “which healeth the wounded soul,” and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. In this age of waning faith, when so many feel distanced from heaven’s embrace, here you will find a people who yearn to know and draw closer to their Savior by serving God and fellowmen, just like you. Come, join with us!” Pharisee, outwardly, Hypocrisy, woe, phylacteries, synagogues, Zacharias, chickens, sepulchers,
Matthew 23:37–39 Specifically, what can you do to be a good (non-hypocritical) chicken?
2 Nephi 31:13
Matthew 23