Chapter 5 and 6 Study Guide
Stamp Act Passed-1765 taxed all printed material- (ex – wills, diplomas, land deeds, newspapers)—caused colonist protests— formation of the Sons of Liberty. Eventually repealed.
Sugar Act passed 1764 lowered tax on molasses. tried stop smuggling in the colonies.
Townshend Acts passed in 1767. taxed most imports to the colonies and was passed after the Stamp Act was repealed. Colonists boycott goods.
Coercive Acts a series of punishing laws passed after the Boston Tea Party. known as the Intolerable Acts included actions like, closing the port, restricting self government and quartering of soldiers in colonists homes
Loyalists name given to those colonists who remained “loyal” to Great Britain and did not support the cause of independence.
Patriots name given to colonists who fought for and supported independence of the colonies from Great Britain.
Proclamation of 1763 act passed by Parliament restricted colonist settlements. Colonists were forbidden to settle in lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Minutemen name given to the American colonists who could be quickly ready to fight.
Olive Branch Petition last minute attempt at peace by colonists. petition was sent to the King in 1775 asking him to stop the war and find a peaceful solution. King George III responded to this petition by hiring 30,000 German mercenaries
Saratoga turning point battle of the Revolution in fall of 1777. In New York After this battle the French became American allies.
Trenton Dec 25/26 1776 in New Jersey small Patriot victory over a small force of Hessian troops. This victory and one at Princeton the following week helped the Patriot cause survive.
Yorktown final battle of the war in Virginia won by the Americans in fall of 1781. After this battle the British began peace negotiations. The final Treaty of Paris would be completed in 1783.
Lexington and Concord occurred April 19, 1775 the first fights of the American Revolution. This is where the famous line “and fired the shot heard round the world” would originate.
Abigail Adams wife to John Adams who spoke for women’s rights during the colonial period.
Ethan Allen *leader of the Green Mountain Boys *this small force captured Ft. Ticonderoga early in the war
Thomas Paine writer of two important pamphlets of the Revolutionary period—Common Sense and The Crisis
George Washington George Washington—leader of the Continental Army, member of the 2nd Continental Congress from Virginia.
Nathan Hale patriot spy during Battle of Long Island and later executed. Known for his famous saying “ I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country”
Benedict Arnold Patriot military commander who was involved in fighting the British in New York. (Saratoga) eventually would become Americas most well known traitor (later on in the war).
Valley Forge winter camp for the Americans during the winter of 1777-1778. Americans suffered greatly and lost thousands of soldiers. The Continental Army became an effective fighting force, due to the efforts of von Steuben and Marquis de Lafayette.
Marquis de Lafayette * French nobleman who came to help the American cause during the winter of 1777-78. * Trusted aide to George Washington
John Paul Jones American sailor who raided British ports. sailed ship known as “Bonhomme Richard”(named for the efforts of Ben Franklin with the French). Best known for saying “ I have not yet begun to fight” when asked during a battle if he would surrender.
Paul Revere American colonist (and member of Sons of Liberty)- alerted the countryside to the approaching British the night before the battles of Lexington and Concord.
Describe the events in Boston that led to the Revolution Boston Massacre – March 5, 1770 Boston Tea Party- December 16,1773 British march to Lexington and Concord
What happens in the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress? 1st Continental Congress Created militias Organized boycotts 2nd Continental Congress Sent Olive Branch Petition Appoint Washington commander of army Write the Declaration of Independence
Why did the King want to keep the colonies under his control? Colonies were source of revenue ($$$) Market for British goods Source of raw materials
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson Also helping were –John Adams, Ben Franklin
Advantages British Americans Money Population Better trained Army Better navy Americans Knowledge of the land Better reason for fighting
How did the naval blockade effect the American war effort? British blockade prevented supplies from reaching the Continental Army Made it challenging for French support (army) to aide the American army
How did Loyalists effect British strategy during the war? British strategy changed in the 2nd half of the war to the South where more loyalist were believed to be Loyalists assisted the British with information during the war