Multi-Domain User Applications Research (JRA3)


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Presentation transcript:

Multi-Domain User Applications Research (JRA3) Licia Florio, TERENA TF-EMC2, Rome


JRA3: Multi-Domain User Application Research Expand the federated framework Provide seamless access to (multi-domain) services GÉANT Network eduroam eduGAIN GÉANT Services Roaming Task Identity Federations Task GEMBus Task JRA3 - - SSO Roaming ESB Ipsphere SAML Others Technologies Other services New APIs New prototypes New pilot services New protocol’s extensions JRA3 Output Services’ Requirements JRA3 aims to expand the federated model and develop a framework to provide seamless access to (multi-domain) services to support collaborating communities.

Roaming Task Leader: Stefan Winter Aim: Identify needs of eduroam service Streamline user authentication process; Experiment with SSO features; Standardise developed features; Done so far: RadSec standardisation work in IETF Results available in the first deliverable CUI: implementation available for Radiator Standard evaluation: IEEE 802.1x revision

GEMBUS Leader: Diego Lopez Aim: Define, discover, access, and combine network services From the infrastructure up to application elements Federated, multi-domain ESB Able to integrate any service within the GÉANT infrastructure Done so far: Deliverable containing use-cases produced Initial discussion has started on what concerns the interfaces to support.

Building by Composition Standard interfaces and support for policy agreements Service Components  AutoBAHN DM  perfSONAR MA  eduGAIN AuthN  … Composite Services  e-science workflow  AA performance  eduGAINized repositories Service Frameworks  Other NRENs  Governmental  Commercial Compositional procedures and orchestration GÉBus CLARIN APAN I2 ESNet IPSphere OGSA Telcos Canarie AutoBHAN eduGAIN Grid Interface descriptions

Identity Federation Leader: Andreas Solberg Aim: Solving the current challenges in the deployment of Identity Management Systems; Exploring next generation Identity Management Systems Technologies Work Items: User Centric Identity Virtual Organizations Beyond Web Federation Lab Metadata Distribution Federation Harmonization

Identity Federation Done so far: Harmonisation: Discussion with Internet2 on the Interoperable SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Deployment Profile User centric: proposal on how to build a federation entirely upon OpenID circulated by Andreas Metadata distribution: proof of concept of a metadata aggregator setup and tested by several participants SimpleSAMLphp Aggregator, using in Kalmar Leif's Aggregator VO: SWITCH work to integrate existing Group Management Tool (GMT) with an Attribute Authority using the SAML 2.0 Attribute Query Data Access API. SimpleSAMLphp implemented a SAML 2.0 Attribute Query library to be used in future proof of concept implementations of both VO Clients and VO Platform.