High g Li/B b-Beam Enrique Fernández-Martínez, MPI für Physik Munich Based on a collaboration with: P. Coloma, A. Donini and J. López-Pavón arXiv:0712.0796 JHEP 0805:050,2008
bBeam g 100 P. Zucchelli hep-ph/0107006 B. Autin et al. physics/0306106
bBeam + g 350 J. Burguet-Castell et al. hep-ph/0312068
bBeam g 100 Li/B Ionization Cooling Donini and E. F-M hep-ph/0603261 C. Rubbia et al. hep-ph/0602032 Donini and E. F-M hep-ph/0603261 C. Rubbia hep-ph/0609235
bBeam + g 350 Li/B S. K. Agarwalla et al. hep-ph/0610333 C. Rubbia et al. hep-ph/0602032 S. K. Agarwalla et al. hep-ph/0610333 S. K. Agarwalla et al. hep-ph/0611233 S. K. Agarwalla et al. arXiv:0711.1459
The Golden channel in matter (_) Resonant enhancement when with E 6GeV Magic Baseline 7000Km Expanded in 04 . 2 @ ÷ ø ö ç è æ D L sol sin 2q13 < 0.4 where E m atm 2 23 D = E m sol 2 12 D = 23 12 13 2 sin cos ~ q = J A. Cervera et al. hep-ph/0002108
The baselines q13 = 5º d = 0, 90, -90º 7000km Inverted Hierarchy Normal Hierarchy Resonant enhancement depending on the hierarchy
The baselines 2000km Normal Hierarchy 2000km Inverted Hierarchy q13 = 5º d = 0, 90, -90º 7000km Inverted Hierarchy 7000km Normal Hierarchy
bBeam + g 350 Li/B P. Coloma et al. arXiv:0712.0796 S. K. Agarwalla et al. arXiv:0804.3007
B and Li b-Beam fluxes We consider 3 different fluxes “Nominal” 2·1018 decays/year “Medium” 5·1018 decays/year “Ultimate” 10·1018 decays/year “Ultimate” flux at 2000km
50kt Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector: MIND The Detector 50kt Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector: MIND We consider 9 bins of 1 GeV between 1.5-10.5 GeV 65% signal efficiency 10-4 or 10-5 backgrounds 2.5% and 5% or 10% and 20% systematics in signal and background Atmospheric background negligible a this energies with bunching CC charm 10-4-10-5 signal eff 0.7 CC no-charm 10-4-10-5 NC 10-4-10-5 ISS Detector Working Group arXiv:0712.4129
Degeneracies at 2000km CP discovery potential sign degeneracy true solution sign degeneracy Nominal, Medium and Ultimate fluxes 3s Loss of sensitivity to CP violation and the mass hierarchy at the 2000km baseline due to the sign degeneracy
Combining the two baselines 2000km + 7000km 2000km 3s Nominal, Medium and Ultimate fluxes The sign degeneracy is solved at the 7000km baseline
CP discovery potential ISS Physics Working Group arXiv:0710.4947 2000km + 7000km LENF BLiBB 3s Nominal, Medium and Ultimate fluxes The CP discovery potential with the Ultimate flux between high g b-Beam and SBEAMS
q13 discovery potential 2000km + 7000km 3s ISS Physics Working Group arXiv:0710.4947 2000km + 7000km LENF BLiBB 3s Nominal, Medium and Ultimate fluxes The Ultimate flux similar to high g b-Beam The Medium flux between low and high g b-Beam The Nominal flux similar to Super-Beams
Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy ISS Physics Working Group arXiv:0710.4947 2000km + 7000km LENF BLiBB 3s Nominal, Medium and Ultimate fluxes All the fluxes worse than the optimum NF but better than the other facilities
Changing the detector mass CP discovery potential Sensitivity to the mass hierarchy 3s 50 Kt near and 50 Kt far vs 80 Kt near and 20 Kt far
Systematics and Backgrounds Effect of Systematics Effect of Background 2.5/5% and 10/20% systematic error considered 10-5 and 10-4 background considered Impact of the background and the systematic errors very small Performance limited by statistics No improvement if background is lowered below 10-5
Conclusions Strong complementarity between the two baselines 2000km detector very sensitive to d but spoiled by sign degeneracies 7000km detector resonant dependence on the mass hierarchy and no dependence on d solves degeneracies With Medium flux sensitivity to q13, d and the mass hierarchy down to sin2 2q13 3·10-4 Impact of the background and the systematic errors very small. Performance limited by statistics Sensitivity to CP violation can be improved adding mass to near detector or using He/Ne for the short baseline (see also S. K. Agarwalla et al. arXiv:0804.3007)
The ionization cooling procedure C.Rubbia et al. hep-ph/0602032 7Li + D → 8Li + p 6Li + 3He → 8B + n An excess of 1014 ions/s could be accumulated
Event Rates For 5yr exposure of each beam to a 50kt iron detector sin2 2q13 = 0.01 d Sign(Dm223) n 2000km n 7000km 90 + 595 20 155 2 -90 206 103 170 1 - 235 95 3 67 47 274 6 62