IMPERIALISM INTRO 1870-1914 Hook Video
DEFINITION The domination by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country/territory
WHY DID EUROPEANS THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT TO CONQUER OTHER COUNTRIES? 1400-1600: European nations sponsor missions of exploration (Gold, Glory & God) Establish colonies in the Americas & trade outposts in Asia & Africa (wealth & trade) Christian missionary efforts (knowledge of people & geography maps)
WHAT DID FRENCH REVOLUTION & INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION HAVE TO DO WITH IT? French Revolution nationalism & political competition Industrial Revolution greater wealth, economic strength & technological advancements demand for natural resources & new markets Attitude of superiority begins
WHAT WERE EUROPEANS LOOKING FOR FROM THESE COUNTRIES? Industrial needs (rubber, petroleum, manganese, timber) Expand markets (buyers for products) Invest in undeveloped regions b/c cheap labor Outlet for growing European population
WHAT WAS HAPPENING AS A RESULT OF IMPERIALISM? BALANCE OF POWER– if one country seizes control of land, then another country rushes in to gain control nearby Humanitarian goals - share God’s word & spread industry to improve the lives of non-Europeans (Social Darwinism)
WHY WAS EUROPE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS QUEST? Technology – Maxim machine gun, repeating rifles, steam-driven ships (military, communication & travel) Advancements in medical knowledge (malaria) Economic & political strength added to ability to hold control over land & people in other parts of the world Diversity of African languages, tribal customs, loyalty, & ethnic groups & traditional warfare over land, water & trade rights disunity among African people (similar to indigenous American tribes)
CAUSES AND OUTCOMES Industrial Revolution/French Revolution New markets to sell goods Search for raw materials/natural resources Racism/Superiority “white Man’s Burden” OUTCOMES Decreased local warfare/breakdown of traditional cultures Boundaries dividing people Loss of population from disease & unsuccessful resistances 2 positive increased literacy & improved infrastructure
COLONY Group of people who leave their native country to form a settlement in a new land, still in connection to their mother country DIRECT RULE officials sent from “mother country” to rule people directly & impose culture, language, politics, & economics France, Germany, Belgium
PROTECTORATE Local rulers are left in place, but accept advice regarding trade, industry, politics, & missionaries INDIRECT RULE use of local sultans, chiefs, & rulers to administer laws & codes of “mother country”; encouraged education & cooperation to prepare for future of independence Britain and US
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment & trading/economic privilege no government control