Leaders of Teachers (external to classroom) Span of Educator Roles Beginning Teacher Experienced Teacher Model Teacher Teacher Leader Leaders of Teachers (external to classroom) Single Classroom Multiple Classroom Teacher Leadership Specialists Principals/Assistant Principals Central Office Description Educators in their first three years of teaching Educators with greater than four years of teaching experience Educators who share and model best practices for others Educators (who still have responsibility for a single classroom roster of students) who provide leadership and support to other teachers Educators who provide leadership and support to other teachers, and take responsibility for the learning of the students they reach through the teachers they lead and serve Educators (who no longer have responsibility for a roster of students) who provide leadership and support to other teachers, Educators who serve as instructional leaders who provide building-level leadership and support Educators who serve as instructional leaders who provide district-level leadership and support Performance Evaluation NC Professional Teaching Standards NC Teacher Leadership Specialist Standards NC School Executive Standards NC Instructional Central Office Standards