Liisa Valsta & Caroline Merten Liisa Valsta & Caroline Merten Data Collection and Exposure Unit Whats on the Menu in Europe (EU Menu) Pan-European food.


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Presentation transcript:

Liisa Valsta & Caroline Merten Liisa Valsta & Caroline Merten Data Collection and Exposure Unit Whats on the Menu in Europe (EU Menu) Pan-European food consumption survey Synergisms with health related EU activities?

DG SANCO Luxembourg 2 Data Collection and Exposure We work from farm to fork ……… …… harmful to beneficial….. …… combined into exposure

DG SANCO Luxembourg Current support 3

DG SANCO Luxembourg 4 Food consumption - EUMENU Hazard Identification Hazard Characterisation Exposure Assessment Risk Characterisation Chemical or microbiological Occurrence Food Consumption

DG SANCO Luxembourg Data at individual level needed Consumption data Representative for EU Capturing regional differences Acute (at one meal) and chronic exposure Vulnerable groups Special diets Pregnant women Children High consumers Ethnic diets Big eaters Unusual habits January DG SANCO Luxembourg

6 Food description In general: Foods consumed must be described, as much as possible, in detail. Foods consumed must be described, as much as possible, in detail. Composite foods and recipes must be disaggregated into their main components. Composite foods and recipes must be disaggregated into their main components. Additional information e.g. cooking method, processing etc. Additional information e.g. cooking method, processing etc. Different types of information may be needed based on the different agents and chemical substances under evaluation. White bread from wheat Ham, pork Tomatoes Cheese, Cheddar 6

DG SANCO Luxembourg Whats on the Menu in Europe? (EU Menu) January 2010 DG SANCO Luxembourg 7 Standardised, detailed consumption data at the individual level would benefit many: Food safety risk assessors improving predictive accuracy Food safety risk assessors improving predictive accuracy Food safety risk managers in making better targeted decisions, better legislation Food safety risk managers in making better targeted decisions, better legislation In nutrition monitoring and public health policy development curbing life style diseases In nutrition monitoring and public health policy development curbing life style diseases Industry in reducing compliance costs with possibly less conservative estimates Industry in reducing compliance costs with possibly less conservative estimates Consumers in providing appropriate protection Consumers in providing appropriate protection High quality risk communication for better consumer awareness High quality risk communication for better consumer awareness

DG SANCO Luxembourg Scientific Committee In 2005 the Scientific Committee suggested the establishment of a harmonised food consumption database in the EU January DG SANCO Luxembourg It also recommended that EFSA should contribute to the development of a European framework for the harmonisation of food consumption data in the EU and make these data publicly accessible

DG SANCO Luxembourg Food consumption surveys in Europe 9 Concise European Food Consumption db (2008) – data from 19 European countries – data in 15 only main food categories (29 sub-categories) – screening tool for preliminary exposure assessment Comprehensive database adults ( ) – most recent data from 20 Member States – data for food described at the most disaggregate level available – representative consumption at national level for adults – detailed individual level by 24 h recall or dietary record Comprehensive database children – most recent data from 13 Member States – data for food described at the most disaggregate level available – representative consumption at national level for children – at detailed individual level by 24 h recall or dietary record

DG SANCO Luxembourg Some international initiatives USA has a rolling program on dietary habits called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that started in the 1960sUSA has a rolling program on dietary habits called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that started in the 1960s In recognition of a critical need for information about the nutrition of Canadians, a survey was undertaken during 2004In recognition of a critical need for information about the nutrition of Canadians, a survey was undertaken during 2004 The China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), an ongoing international collaboration, examines the effects of policies and programs on health and nutritional statusThe China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), an ongoing international collaboration, examines the effects of policies and programs on health and nutritional status The annual National Nutrition Survey in Japan has played an important role by monitoring nutrition and health status of the Japanese since 1940sThe annual National Nutrition Survey in Japan has played an important role by monitoring nutrition and health status of the Japanese since 1940s January

DG SANCO Luxembourg Discussed and endorsed by the Expert group on food consumption data in mid October 2009 EFSA Guidance published on ( EFSA Journal) EFSA Guidance published 2009 January DG SANCO Luxembourg Standardised methodologyStandardised methodology Sample selectionSample selection Survey toolSurvey tool Recipe calculationsRecipe calculations Food frequencyFood frequency Data validationData validation Data interpolationData interpolation

Collaborating organisations January 2010 DG SANCO Luxembourg 12

Countries selected in: Countries selected in: different geographical areas to immediately have a good coverage of consumption patterns across Europe (macro areas to be identified)different geographical areas to immediately have a good coverage of consumption patterns across Europe (macro areas to be identified) children and adultschildren and adults Activity completed by Project preparation Dietary survey in 5-7 countries x x x x x January DG SANCO Luxembourg The pan-European survey plan (x= local preparatory/piloting phase in the Member States)

DG SANCO Luxembourg In short … Survey of 80,000 people in totalSurvey of 80,000 people in total All food and beverage consumption on 2 non- consecutive days + FPQ allowing modelling of intake distributionsAll food and beverage consumption on 2 non- consecutive days + FPQ allowing modelling of intake distributions Anthropometric measurements (e.g. measured w&h)Anthropometric measurements (e.g. measured w&h) In 27 Member StatesIn 27 Member States Using the EPIC soft software that has been developed and tested through the EU funded projects EFCOSUM and EFCOVAL and a FPQ approach tested in the IDAMES projectUsing the EPIC soft software that has been developed and tested through the EU funded projects EFCOSUM and EFCOVAL and a FPQ approach tested in the IDAMES project Timeframe ~8-10 years including project planning and completionTimeframe ~8-10 years including project planning and completion January DG SANCO Luxembourg

Thank you Harmonised approach Cooperation with Member States (national dietary surveys) and health related EU actions January DG SANCO Luxembourg