Fractions Write a Decimal as a Fraction Identify the place value of the farthest digit to the right. Then write all of the digits after the decimal points as the numerator with the place value as the denominator. Simplify Adding and Subtracting Fractions Rewrite in terms of addition Get a common denominator Stack the values so the bigger absolute value is on top. Borrow or turn into improper fractions(if needed) Add or subtract numerators and keep common denominator Simplify Multiplying Fractions Write whole numbers and mixed numbers as improper fractions Simplify diagonals if you can Multiply numerators Multiply denominators Simplify Dividing Fractions Write whole numbers and mixed numbers as improper fractions Rewrite in terms of multiplication (keep the first the same, change ÷ to • , and write the reciprocal of the second) Simplify diagonals if you can Multiply numerators Multiply denominators Simplify
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Stack the values so the bigger absolute value is on top Line up decimal points Add or subtract (using rules of adding and subtracting integers) Bring the decimal point down. Multiplying Decimals Write longer number on top and shorter number on the bottom (decimals don’t need to line up) Multiply Count number of digits to the right of the decimals in the factors (#s you multiplied) and place the decimal so that there are the same number of digits to the right in the product (your answer). Decide if product is negative or positive Dividing Decimals Write as a division house problem Move the decimal so that the outside number is a whole number Move the decimal in the inside number the same number of places Divide