COMPETENCE ANALYSIS The “MiGreat (Supporting Migrants into CVET) Project”- n. 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005348 has been funded with support from the European Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

COMPETENCE ANALYSIS The “MiGreat (Supporting Migrants into CVET) Project”- n. 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005348 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which might be made of the information contained herein.

WHY ANALYSING COMPETENCES? Expertise and personal/social competences shape professional success They grow through practice and life experience Acquisition of knowledge and skills also takes place outside of a classroom or work Competence analysis makes these transparent Helps to increase chances on the labour market Nowadays, the establishment and maintenance of a career requires, besides expertise in a field of work, also personal and social competences. Knowledge and skills grow through professional practice and experience, but also through different life experiences. A competence analysis can make the knowledge and skills acquired through these experiences transparent and help to increase opportunities in the labour market. E.g.: through experiences in volunteering

STEPS OF COMPETENCE ANALYSIS Arrangement of achievements/milestones, etc. in chronological order, e.g. by age or years Recording of curriculum vitae Events in one`s biography The first step towards the competence analysis is to collect main aspects of the life story, so called biography. Following, the professional history is listed. In both steps, previous achievements are recorded. Within the framework of the documentation, the various life aspects are arranged in chronological order (e.g. professional/work experience, education and training, family structure and private sector / leisure time) by age or years.

EVENTS IN ONE`S BIOGRAPHY Example: Age Milestones 15-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years 31-40 years Education/work experience Completion of vocational school Leisure activities/ engagement Drama club Treasurer of drama club Family structure Marriage Birth of first child Voluntary work Youth work centre In this plan, you can highlight special events in your life like professional and personal achievements or milestones. Examples for these can be graduation from school, but also events such as change of occupation, relocation or wedding. Afterwards, you select some stages, which are particularly meaningful to you, and try to draw conclusions from these events. In this step, family members, friends/partners, etc. can also be involved in order to include a second perspective.

RECORDING OF CURRICULUM VITAE Year Education and training Employment (Company, organization) Function/role/tasks Evidence Inital education, work, further education Student, trainee, etc. Certificates, etc. In a further step, the professional path is listed similar to a CV, which exclusively includes education, training and work placements.

REFLECTION ON SELECTED LEARNING PROCESSES From the items collected in frame of the biography/curriculum vitae’s listed areas of life or work activities specific tasks and activities that have been completed so far are documented. Specific learning situations are now selected and precisely analysed. Possible orientation questions: What are particular problem I had to deal with? How did I react in this situation? What knowledge or ability did I use to achieve a solution/positive result? How can/did this ability help me in the workplace? From the items collected in frame of the biography/curriculum vitae`s of listed areas of life or work activities, specific tasks and activities that have been completed so far are documented. Specific learning situations are now selected and precisely analysed. To analyse these situations, try to answer the following orientation questions: What are particular problem I had to deal with? How did I react in this situation? What knowledge or ability did I use to achieve a solution/positive result? How can/did this ability help me in the workplace?

ASSIGN COMPETENCES Subsequently, the analysed learning processes of different tasks are assigned to the following four competence groups: professional social personal methodical skills Now, please try to assign the competences you listed to the following four competence groups: professional (job specific) social (e.g. good communication skills) personal (e.g. flexibility) methodical skills (e.g. systematic approach towards a task)

EVALUATION OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Analysis of selected activities are analysed in terms of personal strengths and weaknesses, and limits perceived by the participant Inclusion of an external view from a person from this area of ​​life Comparison of self-image and image of others Conclusions STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Now, the selected areas of ​​life are evaluated in terms of strengths and weaknesses in this area, as well as limits perceived by the participant. Possible orientation questions could be: Where is my personal performance limit? Why is it the limit? Is there a possibility to do more? Subsequently, a third party (that is ideally related to this area of ​​life, e.g. colleague/supervisor at work, teacher for education, etc.) is selected to determine strengths and weaknesses from his/her view, and to give advise for the future. Finally, the self-image and image of others are compared and conclusions drawn.

CREATION OF COMPETENCE PROFILE Summary of results to create a competence profile List of individual competences Definition of context/activity of application Result/success of this activity Assessment of level of competences (e.g. from low to high, 5 point scale, etc.) In this step, the results of the previous reflections are summarised to create a competence profile. First, each competence is listed individually. In a second step, it is recorded in which context or in which activities it was applied (at which workplace or learning setting) and by what result/success it has become visible. In addition, each competence is assigned to a certain level. The rating items are up to the participant (e.g. from low to high, 5 point scale, etc.)

EXAMPLE COMPETENCE PROFILE I can/have Level of competence Evidence Description of tasks, qualification and skills Numberic rating 1-5, or “low-high“ Certification, implementation of a certain measure, project This is an example of a simple competence profile that includes the most important skills and qualification, the level of mastery and the evidence that reflects where and how it was acquired.

RESULTS OF A COMPETENCE ASSESSMENT The profile serves as: A reference that presents your abilities and qualifications An additional document for applications or comparison to an existing job profile Basis to set realistic goals for the proferssional future The profile serves as a reference work for you, which reflects your personal insights. In addition, competence profiles can also be used for applications or as comparison to an existing job profile. Although the competence analysis can be done independently, a face-to-face counselling is recommended in order to reflect and discuss results appropriately. Within the counselling session, your professional future can also be discussed. Realistic goals are defined and concrete measures for their achievement are discussed. Specific competences can be highlighted, which are considered as beneficial for a desired job description.


REFERENCES European commission: EU instrument for the preparation of competence profiles for third country nationals. Available at: Steiner, Karin/Egger-Subotitsch, Andrea/Schneeweiß, Sandra/Mosberger, Brigitte/Kasper, Ruth (2016): Practical handbook. Methods of competence assessment, portfolio work and learning reflection. 2nd extended edition. Vienna. (DE) Available at: All last visited: 19.01.2018 Pictures: All last visited: 15.05.2018