Derek Rompot Illinois EPA Composting Overview Derek Rompot Illinois EPA
What you really need to know: Derek Rompot Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 217-524-3262
What is Composting Biological treatment process Decomposition of organic portion of waste Finished Compost – humus like product used as a soil conditioner
Types of Compost Landscape Waste Composting Organic Waste Composting 35 IAC 830 through 832 Organic Waste Composting 35 IAC 807 Land Application Section 21(q)(2) of the Act
Permitting Steps Local Siting Review Section 39.2 of the Act Required prior to permit application with IEPA Exemptions Permit Application to Illinois EPA No permit required if composting own waste only at site where it is generated
Exemptions See Section 3.330 of the Act Landscape Waste Compost Facility Food, paper, manure (SB 099) Must meet same setbacks as landscape waste compsoting - or – Must be in-vessel
Landscape Waste Composting Grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and other materials accumulated as the result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees. No local siting review required Regulated by 35 Illinois Administrative Code (IAC) parts 830-832
Setback Standards Must meet setback standards in 35 IAC 830.203. Illinois EPA can not issue a permit if setbacks are not met
What are the setback standards? Setback 200 feet from potable water supply Outside 10 year floodplain (or flood proofed) Setback 1/8 mile from nearest residence Setback 1/8 mile – hospitals, schools, day-care Potential for end-of-day incorporation if located w/in ¼ mile of residence or ½ mile of neighborhood
Setback Standards No compost w/in 5 feet of the water table Control of run-off and leachate Comply w/ Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Address 100-year flood concerns Historic Preservation Act Natural Landmark Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act Endangered Species Act
Additives May use up to 10% by volume additives Additives must be requested in permit application. Allowable additives will be specified in the permit.
Organic Composting Organic Waste Composting – Source separated organic waste Mixed Municipal Waste - non-source separated municipal solid waste Regulated by 35 IAC Part 807
Local Siting Review Done at local (municipality/county) level Often difficult & expensive See section 39.2 of the Act Exemptions (SB 099 & Sec 3.330 of the Act) Food, paper waste and manure In-vessel or meet setbacks
35 IAC 807 General Solid waste regulations Does not specifically address composting “Thou shall not do bad” Illinois EPA will use landscape waste composting regulations (35 IAC 830) as guidelines in permit review.
Illinois EPA Regulations Available on-line at Composting falls under solid waste regulations – 35 IAC 807 Specific regulations have been developed for landscape waste composting – 35 IAC 830-832
Permit Details Landscape waste compost permits issued for 5 years Organic waste composting permits – no expiration No fee to process form Illinois EPA P.E. Signature required (environmental consultant)
Landscape waste application forms Certificate of Authenticity LPC-PA12 LPC-PA16 39(i) certifications
Organic composting forms Certificate of Authenticity LPC-PA1 LPC-PA6 LPC-PA8 LPC-PA11 LPC-PA16 39(i) certifications
What if I do both? If a facility is composting landscape waste + food scrap/manure greater than 10% Need two (2) permits 830 permit for the landscape waste composting 807 permit for organic portion of composting
Etc. The following slides mention concerns about composting in general, and are issues that Illinois EPA consider during the review of Permit Applications.
General Concerns Proper Composting Conditions Compost Recipe (C:N ratio) Location Standards (basis for permit denial) Stockpiles/Windrows Odors Vectors End Product Use (accumulation)
Proper Composting Conditions Aerobic Conditions Windrows (or In-Vessel) Temperature Moisture Oxygen Content
Compost Recipes Recipe is mixture of different materials to get desired finished compost C:N ratio of 20:1 to 30:1 Carbon – “browns” – woody material Nitrogen – “greens” – grass, leaves Carbon Stockpiles – inspection concern
Inspection/Complaint Concerns Liter/Debris Stockpiles/windrows Proper location Adequate spacing Proper Operation Temperature Moisture Oxygen (turning)
Inspection/Complaint Concerns Odors Vectors Finished Compost Amount on-site/storage finished compost Potential open dumping issues if compost not removed form site in timely (one year) manner