Our Vulnerable Planet Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Pollution The World’s Freshwater Supply: What is the problem? Where are water shortages? What can be done about it? Drought Population Growth Wasteful Usage
Loss of Biodiversity: What does that mean? Why is it a problem? What can we do about it?
Human Overpopulation: What are the causes? How serious is it? Are there any solutions?
Pollution Climate Change The State of the Ocean: What is the nature of the problem? How critical is the situation? What are possible solutions? Overfishing Habitat Destruction
The End Sea creature silhouettes from http://AllSilhouettes.com (License) All other images have been made available by the Federal Government of the United States of America and are in the public domain.