Don’t Just Learn It, Live It! Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Video 1
To put into effect or to put Implement To put into effect or to put into practice.
The goal of Bible memorization is implementation!
To focus one’s thoughts on; reflect on or ponder over. Meditate To focus one’s thoughts on; reflect on or ponder over.
Don’t Just Learn It, Live It! 1. Have someone in your group read the verses you have been given. 2. Write down any instructions that God gave to Joshua. 3. Write down any promises that God gave to Joshua. 4. Why do you think that God’s promise(s) was/were important to Joshua in light of the instructions God gave to him? 5. Which promise is important to you and why?
A Plan for Memorizing Scripture I. Learn the ________ of the verse. II. Create a _______ and keep at it. meaning system
Example System: A Yearly Plan Month #1: Week #1 Monday: Read the verse 25 times Tuesday: Read the verse 20 times Wednesday: Read the verse 15 times Thursday: Read the verse 10 times Friday: Read the verse 5 times
Example System: A Yearly Plan Month #1: Weeks #2-4 Read the verse once a day for three weeks.
Example System: A Yearly Plan Month #2: Read the verse once a week for a month.
Example System: A Yearly Plan Months #3-12: Review the verse once a month for the next 9 months. If at any time the verse is forgotten, start the process back at the beginning.
Scripture Memory Fellowship App (Free App) Quizlet (Free App) Scripture Memory Fellowship App (Free App) Bible Memory: Remember Me ($2.99) Bible Memory: Scripture Typer (Free App)
III. Other Helpful Tips Use the WOL _____ packs. Start with the shortest verses or most _______ verses. Challenge a _____ to memorize with you. verse familiar friend
The goal of Bible memorization is implementation!