PRACTICE FRQ: Use the chart in order to evaluate your FRQ PRACTICE FRQ: Use the chart in order to evaluate your FRQ. Highlight the areas where your written responses contain information outlined in the chart. Patient Number Diagnosis Neurotransmitter Issue Patient 1 Parkinson’s Disease Dopamine deficiency =key role related to regulating movement, reward, focus, hallucinations, and delusions.. Most likely experiencing shakiness and difficulty in movement. Could have been brought on by environmental toxins including pesticides. Patient 2 Problems with the central and peripheral nervous system, especially areas of the hindbrain, mood disorders Norepinephrine excess = related to many areas of behavior. Might have excess energy, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks… mood may be greatly affected by this issue. Patient 3 Inhibitory NT of CNS -Huntington’s disease -dementia GABA excess = major inhibitory neurotransmitter, “nature’s valium”, might pass out, possibly looks drunk b/c has high amounts of GABA, impairment of motor & cognitive functions, seizures Patient 4 Depression Serotonin deficiency = low levels can lead mood problems, eating disorders, sleep disorders, depression. Patient 5 Patient may have suffered a stroke or brain trauma Glutamate excess = major excitatory neurotransmitter related to learning and memory. Too much glutamate can over-excite neurons and destroy them. Patient 6 Patient is numb to pain Endorphins excess= act like opiates, linked to pain control and pleasure center, reduces pain by inhibiting it. Patient is experiencing numbness to pain and feels pretty good, but could lose consciousness and possibly die if levels get too high. Patient 7 Alzheimer’s Disease Acetylcholine deficiency = related to parasympathetic nerv system, plays a role in memory, movement, arousal & attention. Patient probably has a lack of energy and all he wants to do is hang out and rest, can’t properly react to stressful situations. Patient is probably experiencing increased issues related to function of the hippocampus and, therefore, memory.
The Endocrine System the body’s “slow” chemical communication system a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
Nervous System vs. Endocrine System Both: Regulate conditions in body Use chemicals for communication Nervous System Chemicals = neurotransmitters Nervous system secretes neurotransmitters into CNS Signals sent in fractions of a second Endocrine System Chemicals = hormones Endocrine system secretes hormones into blood stream Chemicals can take many seconds to begin working, effects can last longer (hours, days)
Hormones are Specific Only certain cells in the body can respond to hormones In order for cells to respond they must have the hormone receptor molecule Example: Oxytocin= released by the pituitary gland Acts on only 2 tissues, the breasts and uterus Only under certain conditions causes uterine contractions causes breast tissue to produce milk
Pituitary Gland Controlled by the hypothalamus Called the “master gland” Releases hormones that regulate other glands Key role in growth
anterior pituitary lobe releases hormones that regulate organs and other glands posterior lobe regulates water and salt balance
Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands Regulate metabolism and calcium Problems = Hyperthyroidism – nervousness, tremors, hunger, weight loss, protruding eyes Hypothyroidism – fatigue, weight gain, mental impairment
Adrenal Glands Important in stressful/emotional situations Secretes cortisone, which speeds up metabolism secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine hormones
Pancreas Regulates sugar metabolism by producing insulin Problems = diabetes, cancer, pancreatitis
Pineal Gland Connects endocrine syst with nervous syst Releases melatonin Problems = disruptive sleep
Gonads testicles or ovaries Produce sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone Problems = cancer, fertility issues
Happy November!!!
Endocrine System Tutorial Video FL5Jnw Watch first 7 minutes only