Network Development and Zone Definition CE 451/551
Network Development and Zone Definition What factors impact the design of TAZ boundaries? What link attributes are required for network coding? What types of networks are used in TDF? What steps of the TDF process are networks used for?
Centroids, centroid connectors, external stations, links, networks, nodes, zones (TAZs), districts
TAZ definition: consistency, census, network, barriers, homogeneous land use, rule of thumb per population
Centroids no yes Future??? Centroid = center of activity … future? Centroid connectors = representation of roads … future? Future???
Networks used in what steps? Networks used in what steps? Gen? (access); dist/mode/assign Highway, transit, HOV …
Network versions Base year E+C Interim years Adopted Plan Alternatives Time of day Base: calib/valid E+C: TIP
Sample network attributes Nodes: x,y,type,penalty, prohib, delay Links: fnode, tnode, 1way, length, type, lanes, area type, cap, speed, transit route Nodes: x ,y, type, penalty, prohib, delay Links: fnode, tnode, 1way, length, type, lanes, area type, cap, speed, transit route
access links Same zone structure? Implications?
Lookup vs. individual coding; facility type (functional class, define) + area type = speed/cap; define functional classes – give example Area type: CBD, CBD fringe, mixed urban, non-cbd business, sub/res, rural
Selecting network from line file …
Disabling links … why?
Network “skims” Distribution, assignment; output is a matrix of travel time or “skims”
Turn penalties/prohibitors
Route through centroids?