Walter Scott Father of historical novel 15 Aug 1771 – 21 Sept 1832 (aged 61) Educated parents 11 siblings, 6 died in infancy Polio lame in the right leg At age 26 married Charlotte Carpenter Title of baronet
Walter Scott Sent to live in grandparent’s farm at Sandyknowe At the age of 7 returned to Edinburgh Was able to walk, explore the surroundings Royal High School of Edinburgh in 1779-1783 6 months local Grammar School in Kent University of Edinburgh – classics, later law Became lawyer
Walter Scott Literary career began in 1796 (aged 25) Translated German ballads Narrative poems, historical action The Lay of the Last Minstrel Marmion The Lady of the Lake German translations set to music by Franz Schubert
Walter Scott Surpassed by Byron and other poets became novelist Waverlay in 1814, successful 25 novels Rob Roy The Bride of Lammermoor Ivanhoe Anonymous , nickname Jebediah Cleisbotham or as ‘Author of Waverlay’
Walter Scott 1825 his printing company nearly collapsed 1826 wife died 1827 aknowlidged authorship of novels 1832 died, buried beside ancestors
Ivanhoe Printed in 1819 Most famous In 12th century (1194) Reign of Richard I Third crusade Normans vs Anglo-Saxons King is good Co-operation of classes Robin Hood and merry men