Speaker Responsibilities Rebuttals
Difference Between Rebuttals and Constructive Constructive are the foundation of the debate rounds where evidence is presented Rebuttals narrow down the debate using analysis on the cards presented earlier
2NC Affirmative CX First Part of NEGATIVE BLOCK Extends some parts of the 1NC and answers back ALL affirmative arguments made on those issues. ITAPIN (line-by-line) Remember: Impact Calculus The 2AC ask 2NC questions Purpose of CX: Clarify, commit on an issue, point out flaws in our opponents arguments
I – T – A – P - I – N Identify—the number of the argument. Orient your judge on the flow. No more than :02 seconds They say—fair description. No more than :5 seconds Argument—Good explanation of what your evidence says. No more than :20 seconds Prefer—Why is our argument better than theirs? :20-:30 See the core file format Impact—why does it matter for the debate as a whole that you have won that particular argument? You’re answering “who cares?!” :30 or less. New Evidence—new, unique idea, ideally.
1NR 1AR Second Part of the NEGATIVE BLOCK Takes the rest of the arguments made in the 1NC and answers ALL of the arguments made by the affirmative on those isses. ITAPIN Condense/narrows the debate by extending the STRONGEST arguments made by the 2AC Responds to ALL of the negative block Embedded clash
2NR Extends strongest one world from the block CP/net benefit Case/ DA T Uses even if or either arguments FORMAT FOR 2NR: Global OVERVIEW- 2-3 sentences of why you win- boil down the debate to the 2-3 key arguments the round will come down to and why you win. Each flow: Impact Calculus ITAPIN
2AR Answer back all the arguments made by the negative Extends strongest arguments from the 1AR Uses format for 2AR Uses even if or either arguments FORMAT FOR 2AR: Global OVERVIEW- 2-3 sentences of why you win- boil down the debate to the 2-3 key arguments the round will come down to and why you win. Each flow: Impact Calculus ITAPIN