Care and the Local Economy - City of Wolverhampton experience WM ADASS 24th November 2017 Care and the Local Economy - City of Wolverhampton experience
1500 £250 Preparing the ground… Scale of the challenge Vacancies (NMDS 15/16) Scale of the challenge Text £250 million Economic contribution of social care Scale of challenge NMDS reported 1500 vacancies in care sector in the City 16/17 Economic contribution of Social Care in City of Wolverhampton Commissioned Brendan Clifford to pull together wider report. Skills for Care provided the economic analysis. Used to develop a new partnership – “Careers into Care” Council committed to regeneration – Our work evidence significance of the sector Consistent with “inclusive growth” approach in the City – much social care = living wage work COUNCIL INCLUDED HEALTH & CARE AS PRIORITY FOR ACTION City of Wolverhampton named in Top Four places in UK to start a business. Context: council commitment to regeneration – £3.7bn investment
Careers Into Care Partnership Consulted employers and training providers Repositioning of Care as a career of choice Partnerships approach to the skills challenge The Partnership is made up of: Employers FE Colleges Training providers University Workforce development Team Skills Team – City of Wolverhampton Council- Facilitated by the Skills Team – NB. Good example of corporate working Partnership now chaired by an employer
Careers into Care pathways
The City context City skills gap - need to skill 20,000 people to close the gap nationally, we are traditionally a low skill workforce. We have 7000 people unembployed and just over 12,000 on ESA and at degree level, 21% have level 4 or above qualification to close the gap we need to increase this percentage by 13% points to national average. City is investing in some major projects to meet this skills challenge 1. Wolves@Work - major partnership with DWP trailblazing a £3million ‘Wolves@Work’ Project aimed at supporting 3000 people into work. ….. As well as gaining employers commitment with this with employers signing – up to the Employer Pledge. 2. Developing the Workbox – our new online tool providing learning, training and support services all under one brand 3. Wider regeneration – the Leaning City developments …..
Careers into Care & City approach Working with partners to develop the pathways for care, from: - our university, are leading on development of the apprenticeship standards framework Nursing and Social Care - our training providers who developing the in-work and pre-employment training offer and care pathways - our schools, are leading on the HSC curriculum offer in schools and have curriculum development partnership ensuring they are linking with employers and Higher and further training providers - as well as Wolves at Work team providing individualised support to employers and their recruitment need and our client facing teams supporting clients to effectively compete for opportunities
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