School Based Staff Manual Categorical Programs Time Reporting School Based Staff Manual Must use the FSD approved Power point template-will be provided to each trainer Title Page : Font: Calibri Black Title: 40 to 44 size font, Calibri Centered (Provided by the Lausd-centered, 24 font, calibri) Date: calibri 12 Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 1.20.16
Overview Previously, Food Services staff time records were combined on one sheet per pay period and submitted to the Timekeeper With the implementation of the new reporting requirements, each Food Service employee will now submit a two-sided time record that will capture the 1st thru 15th days of the month on one side of the record and the 16th-31st days on the other side (Attachments A and B) To be in compliance with federal regulations, Food Service employees need to provide a breakdown of work performed under each federal program. (Read slide)
1st – 15th Dates of the Month Attachment A 1st – 15th Dates of the Month See here on Attachment A the first period of the month that reflects the 1st thru 15th. We will go over the different sections of the form later in the presentation.
16th – 30th Dates of the Month Attachment B Here you will see the second period of the month which is the 16th thru 31st.
Goal The goal of the new process is to be in full compliance with the new reporting regulations. REQUIRED: Documentation for Food Services Division staff paid 100% by the Division who work in multiple programs such as: National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs Child and Adult Care Feeding Programs Summer Food Services Program, etc. (Read Slide)
FILLING OUT THE TIME RECORD EMPLOYEE’S RESPONSIBILITY The employee is to fill out the requested information at the top of the form: Employee’s class code Name ID School Cost Center/ Location Code Month and Year Now let’s talk discuss what needs to be filled out on the new time record. First the Time Reporter should review the top of the form for: Class code, Employee name and number, cost center, and pay period. The Food Services Manager will review the form for accuracy.
Employee fills out the requested information As seen on the screen highlighted in red is the section we just discussed.
Continued… FILLING OUT THE TIMECARD EMPLOYEE’S RESPONSIBILITY The employee is to Enter “Time in” at the start of the assignment and “Time out” at the time that he/she completes the day This is to be done each day the employee has worked. Next, as shown in the screen shot, the form will capture when the employee signs in and out daily. Time in Time out
FOOD SERVICES MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of each Food Services Manager to review each site FSD employee form for accuracy: Employee’s class code Name ID School Cost Center/Location Code Month and Year Time in and Time out Read Slide
TIME RECORD DETAILS SEPARATE PROGRAM FUNDS IDENTIFIED The Time Record is split up into 4 sections: NSLP/Alt-Food CACFP SFSP Other Break Holiday Illness Personal Necessity Vacation MISC:_______________ The time record has 4 different sections. The first three sections cover the 3 main federal programs that fund Food Services. There are 3 federal programs that fund Food Services employees. -National School Lunch and Breakfast Program which is shown as (NSLP and Alt- Food). NSLP also includes Grab and Go and Snack service -Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) which is shown as CACFP on the form. CACFP funds Early Education Center and Infant care food service as well as the Supper Program. -Lastly, Summer Food Service Program which is shown on the form as SFSP and funds the summer food programs
Pertinent Information on the Time Record Timekeepers will now need to input time based on the different programs. Note the numbers 1, 2 and 4. These are short keys that can be entered in to SAP that will then auto populate the correlating fund and functional area As shown on the slide, each program shows the correlating program, fund, and functional area. Notice in Grey the numbers 1, 2 and 4. These are short keys that were created in SAP to simplify the time reporting process for the timekeepers.
Pertinent Information on the Time Record Next notice the section titled Activities. In this section, the various activities performed in these programs have already been pre-populated for your convenience. Read Slide
Pertinent Information on the Time Record Employees will designate how much time is spent on each activity within each program daily. Note: At the end of each program, there is a sub-total section. The Payroll Minutes to Decimals chart (below) is on the form to assist employees with capturing their time accurately. Ex. 1 minute equals 0.02 of an hour. 5 minutes equals 0.08 of an hour. Read Slide
Pertinent Information on the Time Record Read Slide The subtotals of each program should then be combined in the TOTAL All Programs row on each day. This should equal the amount of time the employee signed in and out for each day.
Signatures Lastly, the employee should sign and date the form. The employee’s supervisor (Food Services Manager/Area Food Services Manager) will sign the form as well. Note: Food Service Managers are expected to review staff records to ensure accuracy. Although employees will be manually inputting their time, the Manager can utilize the Excel version to assist with calculations. Employees are signing to certify that these are the hours claimed for the activities worked. The Manager’s role is to ensure that the hours claimed by the employee match what he or she was assigned.
Timekeeper’s Role A copy of the time records should be submitted to the SAA or Time Reporter weekly to ensure that he/she has adequate time to report the information. It should be submitted no later than Friday by 12 noon. An alternate time/date can be designated provided the Cafeteria Manager has discussed this with his/her Timekeeper. The timekeeper’s role is to accurately input the time that has been provided to him or her through the employee’s time record. Read slide
Additional Hours Additional hours will now be captured on the a new form seen on the screen. Similar to the change in Time Record, the additional hours form has been changed to capture the various program information. Each sheet is for an individual employee and can cover a full pay period. As you can see, the employee will input the additional hours worked under the relevant program. Please note: the new time record shows the in and out time, therefore additional hours or OT should be reflected on that form as well.
References Categorical Programs Time Reporting: School Based Staff Manual Bulletin 2643.6 Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs Title: Calibri, 40 font, bold, left justified Body: Calibri 28 (may be adjusted to fit information, smallest font size is 24) Spacing: minimum spacing between lines is a 4 font can go up to 6 font
Questions? Thank you! LAUSD Food Services Division Last page: “Questions”, centered, calibri black, 44 font “Thank You”, centered, calibri black, 40 font “LAUSD Food Services Division~Nourishing Children to Achieve Excellence” Calibri, 18 font, Justified left LAUSD Food Services Division Nourishing Children to Achieve Excellence