Welcome to 5CH
Who we are… Mrs Creed Mrs Hunt Mrs Kerslake Mr Robertson
Cage Green Vision and Values
Year 5 Expectations Independence Behaviour Reading records and Homework House points
Our Curriculum… English – 2014 Curriculum – emphasis on writing, grammar, spelling, handwriting and reading. Mathematics – 2014 Curriculum- emphasis on number, mental arithmetic, reasoning and problems. Science – Kent Advisory Scheme – 2014 Curriculum
Science Topics Investigations linked to Rivers – focus on investigation skills from Forces unit Forces Properties and Changes of Materials Earth and Space All living things Animals including Humans – Sex Ed and Life cycle of a human
Foundation Subjects PE – taught on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Hair needs to be tied back, earrings removed. Full PE kit – including tracksuit jumper and trousers for winter. Trainers and or plimsolls. Written note is required if a child needs to be excused from PE. RE, Geography, History, PSHCE, Computing, MfL all taught and where applicable, taught cross-curricularly.
Foundation Subjects Terms 1 and 2– Rivers and Coasts Terms 3 and 4 – Ancient and Modern Greece Terms 5 and 6 – Natural Disasters
How to contact us Email the office: headteacher@cage-green.kent.sch.uk and queries will be forwarded on to us. Book an appointment at the office or by emailing the above email address.
Any Questions?