Job-Driven National Emergency Grant  Job-Driven National Emergency Grant Attention Employers: If you are trying to fill position with skill-sets that are difficult to find in today’s market, this program is for you! The Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board’s Job-Driven National Emergency Grant Program is funded by The U.S. Department of Labor. The focus of this grant is to provide training and employment in the viable industry sector of: Manufacturing On-the-Job Training. Thinking of hiring a new employee? We just made it more affordable. Funds are available to help you hire and train a screened applicant! On-the-Job Training (OJT) salary reimbursements are available when you hire and train a dislocated worker. Benefits to Employers: • Training is partially reimbursed • Customized training, your way • Simple process, minimal paperwork Provides up to 50% wage reimbursement while training your new employee Serving any Connecticut company Eligible for dislocated workers certified by the CT Department of labor For more information, please contact: Gary Madison, 203-574-6971 ext. 442 This program is funded in whole, or in part, by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration through the Job Driven National Emergency Grants Program. The Job Driven Program is an equal opportunity employer/program, and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.