Documentation in MLA Format English 1a
What is MLA? MLA: Modern Language Association Mainly English, philosophy, and other humanities use this format. Sources are documented in two ways: Parenthetical in-text Works Cited page
Check your current handbook: When in Doubt Check your current handbook: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition, 2009. Print.
Why should I Document Sources? Avoid plagiarism. If it is not your idea, it belongs to some one else. 2. Back up your ideas and opinions as a credible scholar. All research is based on facts that have already been established.
Why should I document sources? 3. Maintain a consistent format in the field. All who use MLA do the exact same thing. 4. Give your readers a chance to look at the sources that you cite. By writing such exciting papers, your audience will be thrilled to find out more about your topic!
How does MLA Work? In-text citations refer to the “work cited” page(s). The works cited pages enable your readers to locate your sources Curious reader Works Cited Page Source
Every citation needs to include this basic information: Works Cited Page Every citation needs to include this basic information: What is the name of the author What is the title of work Publication information: where was it published? Who published it? When was it published? How can it be found (volume, issue, and page numbers)?
A Balancing Act All sources in the paper must be on the works cited page! All citations on the work cited page must be used in the paper!
Works Cited Sample Page Hughes, Allen and Albert. Interview by Elvis Mitchell. Independent Focus: The Hughes Brothers. Independent Film Channel, 2000. DVD. Pruchnic, Jeff. “Rhetoric, Cybernetics, and the Work of the Body in Burke’s Body of Work.” Rhetoric Review 25.3 (2006): 275-296. Print. Wynne, Deborah. “’We were unhealthy and unsafe:’ Dickens’s Great Expectations and All the Year Round’s Anxiety Stories.” Journal of Victorian Culture 5.1 (2000): 45-59. Print.
Titles must be italicized, not underlined. Book Citation Dick, Philip K. Time Out of Joint. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. Print. Remember: Titles must be italicized, not underlined.
Article in a Scholarly Journal Leland, Jacob Michael. “Yes, That is a Roll of Bills in my Pocket: The Economy of Masculinity in The Sun Also Rises.” Hemingway Review 23.3 (2004): 37-46. Print. Remember: Italicize titles within journal articles. Put quotations marks around the article title.
Scholarly article from an online database George Cheatham. “Sign the Wire with Love: the Morality of Surplus in The Sun Also Rises.” Hemingway Review 11.2 (1992): 25-30. Academic Search Elite. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. Remember: The online database must be italicized. What is wrong with this citation?
A source with the same author Brantlinger, Patrick. The Reading Lesson: The Threat of Mass Literacy in the Nineteenth Century. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1998. Google Scholar. Web 28 Feb 2010. ---. “What is ‘Sensational’ about the ‘Sensation Novel?’.” Wilkie Collins: Contemporary Critical Essays. New York: St. Martin’s, 1998. 30-57. Print.
In-Text Parenthetical Citations Use them to: Directly quote your authors Summarize passages Paraphrase material
Parenthetical Citations Save time and space by abbreviating information Smooth out the flow of the paper Refer the reader to the work cited page
Ways to place an in-text citation Two ways of placing an in-text citation Add the author’s name into the sentence itself where the work is quoted, summarized, or paraphrased As Porfirio claims . . . (179).
Ways to place an in-text citation Place the author’s name in the parenthetical citation at the end of the passage in which the work is quoted, summarized, or paraphrased. The jazz functions as “the nodal point between the mundane tone . . .” (Porfirio 179).
Other Places for Help MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition, 2009. Quick Access- pgs 378-410 Purdue Writing Lab