Sept 1 A Day Sept 2 B Day Bell ringer Review organelles- kahott Pro vs eu compare & contrast Cell problems worksheet Exit slip
Bell Ringer 2. Which type of cell(s) contain ribosomes? 1. Which type of cell lacks a nucleus? 2. Which type of cell(s) contain ribosomes? Which type of cell(s) contain membrane bound organelles? Why is microscope needed to see prokaryotic cells?
Bell Ringer answers Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic & Prokayotic Eukarytoic- plant & anima Too tiny to see with a naked eye
Cells and Organelle review- Kahoot You may use your phone. Use your REAL NAME- NOT a nickname Not a Nickname!
Draw this venn diagram in your notebook Compare and Contrast Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
With your partner (person sitting next to you) and your notes, fill in the venn diagram. The middle part is for in common traits.YOU will have 10 minutes
Pro Lacks nucleus Cell wall Pili Small Very simple
In common Dna Ribosomes Cell membrane(cm) Cytoplasm
eu Has a nucleus Has membrane bound organelle ER, Golgi Apparatus, lysosomes, chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, centrioles Larger than pro Complex
Hand out Cell problems worksheet Student need to work with their table partner Turn in when complete
When complete hand out cell exit slip Work independently Quiz next class.