Aztec Government By Dina El Naggar
King didn’t hold all the power Consulted his nobles before making decisions King had an executive council Controlled the city and surrounding areas Expanded the empire by conquering lands
Nobles and priests had a lot of power Basic unit of government was the calpulli. City council held the most power Triple alliance, Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan City council had an executive council
Payed Respect to the king by offering gifts Harsh punishments for crime No jails, no torture death was a common punishment Against the law to be drunk in public
Nobles were considered leaders Tenochtitlan dominated the empire Leader of the city council Huey Tlatcani Didn’t have absolute power, could be removed from power Conquered lands forced to pay tribute
Warriors attacked small cities Expansion of empire helped conquered people. Conquered people obeyed in fear War is a constant activity Rulers chosen by council of noble elders
Manufacturing, trade, agriculture main economic institutions Traders used as a spy network Triple alliance is a confederacy Political, economic, social institutions traits of government 20,000 human sacrifices per year
Each city- state ruled by Tlatoani City-states, established mode of political organization Multi-leveled semi- democratic system Leaders of Tenochtitlan selected by heredity Serious crimes punished by slavery
Good deeds in battle rewarded well Huey Tlatoani descendant of gods The empire’s chief executive, commander-in-chief, chief priest Tecuhtli highest ranking in aztec government Oversaw production of fields, judged law-suites Served as military commander
Formed an empire by commanding tribute Greedy people Tax collectors- calpixque Second person in charge “women snake.” 3 social classes
Four council men divided land Slaves allowed to buy freedom Every member part of calpulli Clans had own government, public services
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