Task 1: Review As a group we will go around each individual and discuss your chosen ideas. As a class we will then decide which stimulus we will chose to create our choreography on.
Task 2: Mind Map Create a mind map on your chosen stimulus. When you think abut the theme what does it make you think of? What emotion/ feeling does it portray? What movement ideas do you have? What group ideas do you have? What do you imagine the dance to look like e.g. dark, light, group, solos, unison etc.
Task 3: Summer homework part 1 Create a solo which lasts 8 lots of 8 relating to your chosen stimulus. (You can pick a specific area that relates to the stimulus so your solo focuses on a key area or topic rather than a general theme. You can create a solo which stays on the spot or that travels. Think about using a variety of levels and dynamics. There is no right or wrong with choreography but try and be as create as possible. You will be asked to share your solo the first week back in September.
Task 4: Summer homework part 2 Devise two choreography tasks based around your stimulus that you can set the group in order to generate material. This could be a game, a set phrase taught and then developed. Examples to help you: Improvisation tasks Number games Spelling words Contact Travel tasks High, Medium and Low tasks All work is due in the 1st lesson back in September.