Locality Hub Substance Misuse Services Services
New Boundaries
Lifeline Edinburgh model Lifeline Project
Lifeline Edinburgh model
Lifeline Stepped approach 1. Recovery Engagement Engagement and relationship building to build therapeutic alliances. Assessment of needs and establishment of initial recovery plans and packages to stabilise need and build foundations for change 2. Early Recovery Bespoke support packages delivered through targeted and sequenced phases guided by individual need. Intensive support to make changes, manage challenges and build resources 3. Recovery Transition Preparation for self-directed recovery via departure planning and facilitated engagement with a diverse range of aftercare, support agencies and community resources
Lifeline Early Interventions Dried Blood Spot Testing Brief Psychosocial Interventions Dried Blood Spot Testing Family Advice and Signposting Group Work Harm Reduction Advice Injecting Equipment Provision Naloxone Promotion Peer Support Practical Support Psycho-education Recovery Preparation Treatment Preparation
Strengths-based Assessment Asset Development Person- Recovery Action Planning centred Assessment: New and existing service users Core Data Set Engagement Rapid relationship building and peer support access to capture recovery motivation Social Capital Physical Capital Cultural Capital Human Capital Relationships: Family support Parenting Friendships Tangible assets: Housing Income Other assets Assessment Strengths-based Assessment Strengths-based, focus on current and potential assets and optimum care pathway Values, beliefs: Faith/culture Crime Social inclusion Skills, aspirations: Physical health Mental health Skills, abilities Action planning Co-design of individual Recovery Action Plans to build recovery ownership Risk Assessment Asset Development Personalised packages: all service elements and wide community resources Lifeline Project
PEER SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT Full commitment to development and support of current peer groups and networks Introduction of Lifeline stepped peer development programme Recruitment of paid peer workers across 3 localities