Scaffolding the Writing Task for Sentence Frames: Scaffolding the Writing Task for Special Education Students, English Language Learners, and Everyone Else
To write, you need three things: Something to Say Sentences to Hold the Words The Words to Say It
What we mean by “Sentence Frames”: (aka “Sentence Stems”) Sentences that explain classification systems: (Simplest): ________________ goes with ___________________. (More complex) _______________ and ________________ may be classified as _______________________ because they both __________________________.
Why scaffold a writing task with a sentence frame? Provides models Focuses the writer on content: “training wheels” Allows the writer to be clear and concise Is appropriate differentiation: Frames can be offered in increasing levels of language complexity Forms a mental template that will grow into the writer’s technique Gives reluctant writers access to acceptable forms
We will be learning frames for that hold these types of skills: Classifying √ Comparing Linking cause to effect Evaluating Predicting Summarizing
Sentences that Compare and Contrast: 1. (Simplest) _____________ and _________________ both __________________. 2. (More Complex) Both ______________ and ________________ both ____________________; however, _______________________________ 3. (More complex) Although _______________ and ______________both ____________________, ____________________(is, has)(more,less)__________ 4. (More Complex) Despite having _______________in common, _____________ is different from ___________________because____________________________.
Sentences that Link Cause and Effect: 1. (Simplest) _____________ , so ________________. 2. (More Complex) As a result of _______________, ________________(happened, occurred, grew, lessened, began, ended, developed, increased, decreased…)
Sentences that evaluate: (opinion) (Simplest) In my opinion, I think______________________________ because________________________________________________ (More complex) I don’t think the evidence supports the belief that ____________________________ because____________________________.
Sentences that predict (Simplest) I think______________________________will happen because________________________________________________ (More complex) Even though_____________________________, I know that______________________________________________. Therefore, I predict that________________________________________.
Sentences that summarize (Simplest) In the beginning,_____________________. But then, ______________________________. In the end, ____________________, and so________________________________________________________ (More complex) _____________wanted_________________, but ______________________________________________, so ______________________________________________________.