Science app review project By: mark michel
1. Problem: The problem is that you want to mix two elements but you don’t have the elements or the safety materials to do the expirement.
2. Brainstorm: A possible solution for this problem is for scientists to mix all the known elements and record all the information of what happens
3. Find an app Elements 4D is the app I chose to fix my problems.
4. Use the app Review of elements 4d: The app “Elements 4D” is an app that is able to combine two or more elements together and show you what it would make! It can also show you how an element looks like. One down side to this app is that you need to have special cubes, and that’s where the element would be shown Ex:
5. Debrief So first there was a problem where we couldn’t combine elements unless we had them, but now we thought of an idea for scientists to combine all elements and keep it on record. Then I found an app called Elements 4D which fixes the problem.