Welcome Parents! Back To School Night September, 2016 Middle School Keyboarding!
Keyboarding is a Semester class (pairs with art). Subject required of all LCPS sixth graders. Skill subject (practice, practice, practice) Subject that benefits the students academically, personally, and professionally.
What do we do in Keyboarding? “Touch” key alphabetic keys Build speed and accuracy Compose and format documents (MS Word) Letters Tables MLA Reports Proofreading and grammar Cyber sense and safety Graphics (insert/resize/move images) MS Paint, Drawing tools
Class Materials/Resources Textbook—Applied Computer Keyboarding Folder Writing Utensil (please!) Micro Type Windows 7 MS Office Word Power Point Excel (?)
Courteous Request Tissues Sanitizer wipes Hand sanitizer
Encourage Practice at Home Check my website for a list of on-line resources. Example: freetypinggame.net
Grading F-Formative (Practice) Grade Does not affect student’s grade Feedback (4 – 3 – 2 - 1) S-Summative (Mastery) Grade Affects student’s grade Retakes available at teacher discretion Additional work may be required.
Attendance/Missed Work As with other classes, attendance is very important. Additional lab time may be required Resource Before school After school
My Digital Life Online Course
Speed Scale A B C D Grade Second Quarter 40 up = 100 39 = 98 38 = 96 39 = 98 38 = 96 37 = 94 36 = 92 35 = 90 B 34 = 88 33 = 86 32 = 84 31 = 82 30 = 80 C 29 = 79 28 = 78 27 = 77 26 = 76 25 = 75 24 = 74 23 = 73 22 = 72 21 = 71 20 = 70 D 19 = 69 18 = 68 17 = 67 16 = 66 15 = 65 Note: A grade of 60 will be assigned for any missing timing grade. GOAL: Pass two three-minute timings with no more than three errors.
THANK YOU!!! The best way to contact me is through email: joyce.ikwild@lcps.org Please check my website for additional resources, state competencies, etc.