A Frontline Clinician's Guide to Managing Opioid-Induced Constipation
This program will include a discussion of off-label treatment and investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the US.
Annual Opioid Prescribing Rates: 2006-2016
Opioids Are Associated With Many Common AEs
Opioid-Induced Constipation
What Is OIC?
Pathogenesis of OIC
Working Definitions for OIC
Assessment and Diagnosis: Tools for Stools
Opioid-Related Constipation
Overlapping Nature of Constipation
Standard Treatment Protocols: Constipation
Differentiating OIC From OEC
Case 1: 78-Year-Old Maria
Case 2: 45-Year-Old Jennifer
Bristol Stool Chart
Who Is Responsible for Managing OIC?
Patient-Provider(s) Partnership for OIC Management
Management Strategies
Case 1 Reminder: Maria (Aged 78 Years)
Case 1: Management for Maria (Aged 78 Years)
Commonly Used Laxatives to Treat Constipation
Currently Approved Therapies
Currently Approved Therapies (cont)
Case 2 Reminder: Jennifer (Aged 45 Years)
Case 2: Management for Jennifer (Aged 45 Years)
Proposed Treatment Algorithm: OEC Based on Responsiveness to Initial Therapy
Proposed Real-World Treatment Algorithm: Opioid Constipation-Naive to Therapy
Key Messages
Abbreviations (cont)