Male Reproductive System Review
Scrotum (1) A sac-like pouch that holds each testicle and helps regulate temperature for sperm production.
Testicle (3) The male sex gland located within the scrotum that produces sperm and testosterone.
Urethra (2) A dual purpose tube that both semen and urine pass through to leave the body.
Penis (4) The male organ for sexual intercourse, reproduction, and urination.
Vas Deferens (6) Two long, thin tubes that serve as a passageway to transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
Epididymis (5) A tightly coiled tube where sperm are stored.
Prostate Gland (7) A gland that adds an alkaline fluid to the sperm that neutralizes the acid found in the male urethra and the female reproductive tract.
Seminal Vesicle (8) Two small glands that secrete a mucous fluid that nourishes and enables the sperm to move.
Female Reproductive System Review
Ovary (A) They have two main functions: 1-produce female estrogen and progesterone, 2- to store and release the ova or female egg cell.
Vagina (B) The female organ of intercourse - an empty passageway leading from the vaginal opening to the uterus.
Fallopian Tube (C) Two tubes on either side of the uterus that carry egg cells toward the uterus and sperm cells toward the egg cell. They are the location for fertilization.
Cervix (D) The neck or opening of the uterus. A normal healthy cervix is the strongest muscle in the body.
Uterus (E) A hollow, muscular organ that has one main function – to protect and nourish a fetus.