Class Biz! Reception Welcome.... Class Info.... What's Going On.... Welcome back after a busy holiday. To all you Mums and Dads we understand its a big milestone for you as well as your child being in school all day. We will take special care of each and every one of your little stars. We will make sure that our final year in Groes is an extra special one. If there are any problems please do not hesitate to come and see me. Mrs. Johnson and team. Class Info.... Reading: We will be learning to read by having Guided Reading sessions weekly. More information will follow. The children need their book bags daily. We are hoping to have lots of adults that volunteer to read with the children, but we need their book bags to do this. PE: Monday ( Indoor kit) Music is on Wednesdays. We start school at 8.50 am. What's Going On.... We have some fun dates for your diaries. Traditional Fairy Tales Film Day- Wednesday 27th September 2017- Children can come dressed as fairy tale characters. Once Upon a Time Day- Thursday 26th October 2017- The children can come to school dressed as fairy tale or nursery rhyme characters. Builders Day- Three Little Pigs- Thursday 16th November 2017- The children can come dressed as builders or a character from the Three Little Pigs or a fairy tale character. A trip to Margam Park- Tuesday 14th November 2017 Run, run, run as fast as you can- Wednesday 6th December 2017- The children can come dressed as a character from the Gingerbread Man or a fairy tale character. Other Biz.... Fruit – 30p a day (labelled envelope) Please can you make sure your child’s name is on all their school clothes, bags, bottles and lunch boxes. Sometimes the children may come home a little dirty or have some paint on their clothing. All care will be taken to try to minimise this, but we like the children to be ‘hands on’ with their learning! They will also spend a lot of time learning outdoors so make sure that their uniform is warm, comfy and they always have a water proof coat/jacket.
Language, Literacy and Communication... Mathematical Development... Listening to lots of traditional stories, including the Enormous Turnip, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will be learning a story called- The Gingerbread man. We will also be changing the story. Learning our sounds with Jolly Phonics. Learning to spell CVC words. Sequencing letters and words. Emergent writing- writing recounts of our visits. Writing letter/postcards. Writing a list/drawing pictures. We will be counting to 20. 1 more/less, 2 more/less, place value and ordering of numbers. Recognising and writing our numbers to 10 . Investigating number patterns. We will be learning to use some coins and link adding money to adding Numicon and numbers to 10. The children will learn ordinal number to 10th place. We will weigh items and look at which are heavy/light. Following directions. Creating graphs. Once Upon a Time… Our Theme... …. Knowledge and Understanding... Personal and Social Development... We will be investigating different materials and describing them. We will sequence our school day. We will be looking at our feelings and how to keep our bodies healthy. We will also be Learning the importance of friends and family. We will also be learning to Share and to listen to and follow our class rules. Creative Development... We will be investigating texture and describing how it feels. We will also be singing lots of songs. In Music we will be listening to music and playing along to the beat. Welsh Development... We will be answering the register in Welsh and asking Pwy wyt ti? – Who are you? They will also be learning about the Weather and colours. We will also be counting to 5. In the hall we will be listening to commands and using our feet to do lots of walking, running, skipping and hopping. Physical Development... Things I could do at home... Websites to help me learn... It would be great if you could practice their sounds and numbers each day/night. Take this opportunity to get outdoors and talk about everything you see. Play lots of games together and maybe have a games night! Please encourage your child to complete ‘Love to Learn’ each week. The more they practice skills the better they will get. Let them help around the home, giving them little jobs to do. This all helps with their independence.