A fast and quasi-non invasive muon beam monitoring detector working at the highest beam intensities in the world A. Papa1,2 , G. Rutar1,3 , F. Barchetti1,


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Presentation transcript:

A fast and quasi-non invasive muon beam monitoring detector working at the highest beam intensities in the world A. Papa1,2 , G. Rutar1,3 , F. Barchetti1, M. Hildebrandt1 1Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Villigen, Switzerland 2Dipartimento di Fisica and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nazionale, Pisa, Italy 3Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland Detector ▪ fibre: SaintGobain double clad, 250mm squared BCF12 with 100nm of evaporated Al coating ▪ photosensor: Hamamatsu MPPC S13360-1350CS ▪ DAQ + TRG: waveform digitizer up to 5 GSample/s (DRS4) Results ▪ full detection efficiency for heavy ionising particles ▪ high granularity ▪ high transmission ▪ fast response ▪ beam profile and rate in few seconds ▪ particle ID possible poster presenter: M. Hildebrandt p = 28 MeV/c p =115 MeV/c