Revolutions in Europe: Post 1815


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Presentation transcript:

Revolutions in Europe: Post 1815

Agenda Bell Ringer: Review Latin American Revolutions 1. Brief Lecture: Revolutions in Europe 2. Image Interpretation, Revolution of 1848 3. The history behind the film activity. 4. Revolution of 1848, Proclamation 5. Chart activity, differing the Revolutions 6. Objectives

Nationalism Conservatives, Liberals, and Radicals are fighting over social order in Europe. Nationalism emerges as the dominant philosophy Nation of people that share a common culture. Equality dominates the debate on nationalism. Begins with a revolt in Greece, 1821.

Greek Revolt, 1821 They want to be part of the nation-states in Europe, instead they are part of Ottoman Empire. Russia supported the church in Greece, and others respected their culture and supported the plea for independence. 1827, British, French and Russian fleet destroy the Ottoman Navy, Greece gains independence in 1830.

France, 1830 Charles X tried to return to absolute monarchy. July Revolution, led by the people attempted to riot against Charles. Troops refuse to fire on the population, and Charles flees. Prince Louis-Philippe took rule and supported Monarchy, many look down on his rule. “The manners of a citizen and a plainness of dress and demeanor suitable to an American President, but unbecoming a descendent of the Sun King.”

France, 1848 Louis-Philippe became unpopular because of repressive techniques. Radicals Wanted to discard monarchy and establish a republic. Liberals Wanted an extension of voting rights. Louis-Napoleon takes power, and stability returns in 1849. Renames himself Napoleon III.

Other Chaos throughout Europe Uprisings throughout Europe. Italy attempted to unify against Metternich and Austria. (1830) Russia tried to quell a Polish Uprising. (1830) By 1849, conservatism returns to Europe and the Revolutionary period is over… again.

Image Interpretation

1. What causes Revolution? 1804 1814 1830 1848 1852 1870 First Empire (Napoleon I) Bourbon Restoration July Monarchy (Louis-Philippe) Second Republic (Louis Napoleon) Second Empire (Napoleon III) Questions for today: 1. What causes Revolution? 2. How successful were these Revolutions, compared to the French Revolution in 1789? 3. How does Nationalism play a role in Revolution? 4. How does the Congress of Vienna, 1815, relate to these occurrences?