Saturn Jupiter’s father A titan God of seeds
The Romans did celebrate a festival at this time of year…
Saturnalia Was celebrated at the same time as Christmas is now. Saturnalia celebrated the god Saturn and was a festival of light. A time of celebration, of visiting friends and giving gifts. The Romans went to the Temple of Saturn, offered sacrifices and freed a statue of the god from bonds.
Saturnalia People also held banquets. They wore informal clothing instead of the usual toga and often wore paper hats. The slaves took the place of their master and were served by them. Looked forward to the new year and end of winter.
Saturnalia and Christmas Many of the celebrations from the Saturnalia became a part of the Christian celebrations of Christmas. Gift giving. Wearing of paper hats. Everyone is equal at Christmas. Worship in a church. Big meal celebrated together. Visiting of friends. The time of year- Jesus was not born on December the 25th.
Tinniat Tintinnabulum Nives, glacies, nox, pueritia! Risus decet nunc, decent carmina! Laetos iuvat nos ire per agros! Traha fert velociter, et cachinemus nos! CHORUS: Tinniat, tinniat tintinnabulum! Labimur in glacie post mulum curtum! Tinniat, tinniat tintinnabulum! Labimur in glacie post mulum curtum!