A-Z Characterization Book Justin Blake
Angry: “Angry” is the word I picked for Scrooge, because he is very cranky at the start of the story. “Don’t be angry, Uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow.” (p402, 41-42) (Speech)
Benevolent: “Benevolent” is the word I picked for the gentlemen visitors, because they are asking for charity. “… a few of us are endeavoring to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat and drink and means of warmth.” (p404, 114-116) (Actions)
Term: “Creepy” is the word I picked for the Spirit of Christmas Future, because he has no physical features to say what he looks like. “The spirit is bent and cloaked. No physical features are distinguishable.” (p418, 5-6) (Actions)
Deceased: “Deceased” is the word I picked for Marley, because he is dead. “Marley’s dead. Seven years tonight. What is it you want?” (p404, 80-81) (Speech)
Term: “evil” is the word I picked for scrooge , because he thinks every one who says “Merry Christmas.” “If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.” (p404, 133–134) (Speech)
Term: “Festive” is the word I picked for Fred, because he is saying merry Christmas. “I only want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Uncle. Don’t be cross.” (p402, 17-18) (Speech)
Term: “Greedy” is the word I picked for Scrooge , because he loves money more than his girl friend . “I bring no dowry to my marriage, only me, only love. It is no currency that you can buy and sell with, but we can live with it.” (p413, 161-164 (Speech)
Term: “helpful” is the word I picked for the spirit of Christmas past , because he helped scrooge . “But the first spirit gave me more.” (p417, 154) (Speech)
Term: “Ill” is the word I picked for Tiny Tim, because he is very sick. “He is very ill. Even song cannot keep him whole through a cold winter.” (p417, 128-129) (Speech)
Term: “Joyful” is the word I picked for the carolers, because they are happy and singing. “Brightly costumed carolers and families call out to one another and sing “Joy to the World.” (p401,2-4) (Actions)
Term: “Kind” is the word I picked for Fan, because she is kind to young Scrooge when he is lonely. “Brother, dear brother! (She kisses Child Scrooge).” (p412, 5) (Actions)
Term: “Looter” is the word I picked for the charwoman, because she steals Scrooge’s nightcap. “I always had a fancy for that nightcap of his. My old man could use it. (She takes the nightcap from Scrooge’s head … ” (p418, 56-58) (Actions)
Term: “Miserly” is the word I picked for Scrooge, because he hates to spend his money. “Where did he go? Boy? No matter. There’s a penny saved.” (p406, 14 -16) (Speech)
Term: “Nice” is the word I picked for Fred, because he treats people well. “Fred enters, talks with the children, gives them coins, and sends them away with a “Merry Christmas.” (p402, 7 -10) (Actions)
Term: “Old” is the word I picked for Scrooge, because he is an old man. “Then we could walk? Your flying is … well, too sudden for an old man.” (p414, 32 - 33) (Speech)
Term: “Poor” is the word I picked for the poorhouse children, because they have no money. “The poorly clad, dirty residents of the poorhouse line up and file by to get their evening dish of gruel.” (p405, 145 -147) (Looks and appearance)
Term: “Quiet” is the word I picked for the Third Spirit, because he never says anything. “(The spirit says nothing.)” (p418, 7 - 8) (Actions)
Term: “Real” is the word I picked for the beggar children, Hunger and Ignorance, because they are not spirits. “They are no spirits. They are real.” (p417, 166 - 167) (Speech)
Term: “Sarcastic” is the word I picked for the Second Spirit, because he imitates Scrooge. “Second Spirit (again imitating Scrooge). Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?” (p417, 174 - 175) (Speech)
Term: “Transformed” is the word I picked for Scrooge, because he is completely changed by the end of the play . “Scrooge leans out the window and joins them in the song.” (p422, 69 – p424, 70) (Actions)
Term: “Undead” is the word I picked for Marley, because he isn’t quite alive but isn’t quite dead. “I must wander the world and see what I can no longer share.” (p408, 97 - 99) (Speech)
Term: “Vexed” is the word I picked for Scrooge, because he is annoyed by those who celebrate Christmas. “Every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’ on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding.” (p402, 24 -26) (Speech)
Term: “Wary” is the word I picked for Scrooge as the Third Spirit appears, because Scrooge is afraid and on guard. “He is frightened by the darkness and feels it approaching him.” (p418, 2 - 3) (Thoughts and feelings)
Term: “Exasperated” is the word I picked for Mrs. Cratchit, because she is frustrated with Scrooge. “I wish I had him here! I’d give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and I hope he’d have a good appetite for it.” (p416, 92 - 94) (Speech)
Term: “Young” is the word I picked for young Scrooge, because he is described as a little boy. “Poor child. Poor child.” (p410, 63) (Speech)
Term: “Zealous” is the word I picked for Fred, because he is so enthusiastic about Christmas. “There are many things from which I might have derived good by which I have not profited, I daresay, Christmas among the rest.” (p402, 34 - 36) (Speech)