The Road To World War II…. The Search For Peace 1919 WWI is over Treaty of Versailles is signed by Big 4 UK USA France Italy What was the goal? To make sure the world would never go to war again…
The Legacy of the Treaty of Versailles Made superpowers UK France USA Looked to as most powerful nations Destroyed empires Ottoman empire gone Now independent country Turkey Austrian-Hungarian Empire gone Austria Hungary Slovenia Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Romania German Empire gone Now just Germany Democratic government Called Weimar Republic Put in place by Big 4 Who would hate that?
All seemed fine….for a while 1920’s -1930’s USA Went back to isolationism Withdrawal from world affairs Dealt with Roaring 20’s and Great Depression UK and France Rebuilt their countries Became stronger with time It looked like the world would become peaceful again…
Attempts to Secure World Peace 1921 Washington Naval Conference held in Washington, DC Goal? Focused on getting countries to destroy their battle ships Why? Secure world safety and travel Did it work? Not really USA and UK were allowed largest navies Japan and China allowed 60% of USA/UK size Italy and France allowed 50% of USA/UK size Germany gets no navy….
More Attempts to Secure World Peace 1927 (10 year anniversary of USA joining WWI) USA invites 62 countries to America to sign a treaty making ‘war’ illegal Called Kellogg-Briand Pact Did it work? No. 1931 (Japan attacks Manchuria) 1932 (China attacks Japan) 1935 (Italy attacks Ethiopia) Led by dictator Benito Mussolini
Another World War Is Coming…. But who will start it? Pop Quiz: After WWI, which country… Is forced to destroy its own navy? Is forced to give up resources and land? Is given a democratic government not supported by its citizens? Is forced to pay reparations for WWI Reparations = $$ payments to countries for destroying their property during WWI
Economic Catastrophe in America Guarantees WWII…but why? 1929 Stock Market crashes in America 1932 USA is in Great Depression Elects FDR UK and France are in depression Look to Germany for reparations… Germany is in depression Can’t afford to pay reparations So what do they do? They just print more $$
Germany is in terrible shape… 1932 Economy: Cant pay reparations German $$ loses value because gov’t printed too much of it Politics: German citizens have lost faith in Weimar Party Election year Nazi Party wins majority of positions in government Led by young WWI vet named Adolf Hitler
Goal of Nazi Party in Germany Rebuild German pride How? Rebuild German military Rebuild German economy Take back what is theirs…
So what did we learn today? What is the Treaty of Versailles? What was the impact of the treaty? What was the Washington Naval Conference? What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact? Why was the Stock Market Crash in 1929 such a big deal internationally?