Reminders Connect Schedule October 2nd-6th Mrs. Henley ~ 3rd Grade Reminders Our classroom wish list is now online! Check it out using the link above. Please make sure you have purchased earbuds for your child to use with their laptop. These are essential. Please be mindful of changes to our dismissal times and locations. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Please make sure your child charges their laptop each night and brings it to school each day. If they do not do this, they will receive a strike. Three strikes results in the loss of their laptop for one week. Laptop use in an important part of our learning each day. Parent meetings will be scheduled soon, be on the lookout for an invitation for me! What’s going on this week? Reading: We will continue learning about main idea and key details in fiction texts! Math: We will continue learning about Rounding! Science: We will wrap up our journey of the solar system! Quiz on Friday! Writing: Cursive writing strategies! Upcoming Dates October 4th- Math Parent Night @6:00 pm October 5th- International Walk to School Day October 12th- Early Dismissal Day October 13th- Teacher Workday Connect Schedule Monday- Computer Lab Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Guidance Thursday- Library Friday-Music/Art/Spanish