3rd Grade News! ________Ms. Thompson __________ September 19th – 23rd This Week’s Connect Schedule Mon: Guidance Tue: Computer Lab/Music Wed: P.E Thur: Library Fri: Computer Lab 3rd Grade News! September 19th – 23rd ________Ms. Thompson __________ What’s going on this week! Reading: We will continue to learn about how to be great readers using Daily 5 strategies. We will being to learn about text features and strategies for how to read non-fiction. At the end of the week we will wrap up with a test! Math: We will continue learning how to round to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousands place value! At the end of the week we will wrap up with a test! Science: We will continue our journey into the solar system! Writing: We will continue our writer’s workshop and cursive writing practice! Reminders Lunch is at 11:10 every day. Parents, please make sure that you review your child’s homework before signing. This lets me know you have reviewed the homework with your child. Parents, if your child does not have earbuds for their laptop, please purchase some for them as soon as possible! These are required so that their work does not disturb others ($1-Dollar Tree is the best find) Please wear tennis shoes on gym day! Please sign up for Class Dojo if you haven’t already. This is the best way to contact me. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any questions you may have. Upcoming Dates September 20th-Picture Day! Everyone has their picture made for the year book. Money is due upfront. September 20th- Ms. Thompson will be out of the classroom for a meeting at Green Ridge Elementary. Their will be a substitute teacher on this day. September 20th- Running Club begins for those involved. This will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. September 22nd- Scous Night (Boy/Girl Scouts) Information Session @ 7:20 pm in Cafeteria. September 23rd- Scholastic Book Order Money Due/Fancloth Shirt Orders Due September 27th- Parent Math Night @ 6:30 September 28th- Interim Reports go home! http://www.montgomery.k12.nc.us/Domain/1122