Alaska Job Corps Center Arika Browne Human Services Instructor APA Style Writing Alaska Job Corps Center Arika Browne Human Services Instructor
What is APA?
American Psychological Association The largest scientific organization Organize and publish research Advance psychology in healthcare
Why is this relevant?
Almost all college level papers are required to be written in APA style formatting Writing assignments in the Human Services trade should be written in APA You are required to know how to write in APA Writing in APA will help you with comprehension while reading research Because…….
Organization Formatting Language Citations In a nutshell
Organization The organization of the manuscript 1- Title page 2- Abstract – 120 words/on its own page 3- Introduction 4- Body 5- Conclusion 6- References Organization
Double spaced 1 inch margins on all sides Times New Roman or Courier size 12 font Justify left Number all pages Indent paragraphs 5 – 7 spaces Formatting
Language Use no bias at all… Research suggests… Use either past or present tense Active voice Be direct, to the point and interesting Your thoughts and suggestions go in the conclusion only Economy of expression Language
Citations & References The most important part of APA In text citation “Five out of six children will graduate from school” (Benny, 2010, p. 32). Every paragraph needs a citation Use a variety (5+ for each paper) Most should be peer reviewed sources Reference page Citations & References
Conclusion Congratulations! Now you know all about APA style writing and can effectively teach the topic. Conclusion