Arthritis By: Logan Ridenhour
What is Arthritis? Arthritis *Osteoarthritis-articular cartilage degenerates due to normal wear and tear and a bone spur occurs; Affects 80% of aging Americans. Symptoms: Stiff, painful joints Treatment: anti-inflammatory meds, Accupuncture, vitamins, therapy; no known cure.
How To Tell! 1. Does exercise cause greater ache in your joints? This is one of first signs of the beginning of arthritis. 2. Do you have stiffness in your joints when you get up in the morning, and the stiffness goes away after about a half hour. This, too, is an early sign of arthritis. 3. Gently exercise the affected joint over its complete range of motion. Does the joint creak or cause pain when you bend it to its normal limits? This is another sign of arthritis.