Genesis 5 – 7 Noah’s Ark as a Model
Noah’s Ark as a Model Noah’s Ark as a Model of the World Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Temple Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Ark of the Covenant Noah’s Ark and Moses’ Basket
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the World The Jewish Model of the World Divided into three layers Sheol – dark, shadowy layer Earth – Originally a chaotic ocean organized by God in Genesis 1 The Firmament – Home to the Sun, Moon, and stars
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the World The Jewish Model of the World Divided into three layers Sheol – dark, shadowy layer Earth – Originally a chaotic ocean organized by God in Genesis 1 The Firmament – Home to the Sun, Moon, and stars Noah’s Ark divided into three corresponding decks Bottom deck – Sheol (refuse) Middle deck - (Earth) – Clean animals & Noah’s family Top deck – (Firmament) Unclean animals and birds
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Tabernacle Divided into three distinct sections Temple Courtyard The Holy Place The Holy of Holies Possible model of the world as well? Reflects increasing holiness requires increasing separation
Dimensions of the Tabernacle (Exodus)
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Tabernacle Tabernacle Dimensions Reflect Noah’s Ark
Dimensions of Noah’s Ark
Dimensions of the Tabernacle (Exodus)
Dimensions of the Tabernacle (Exodus) The Holy of Holies was a perfect cube of 10 X 10 X 10 cubits
Noah’s Ark as a Model of Ark of the Covenant Tabernacle Dimensions Reflect Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Tabernacle Tabernacle Dimensions Reflect Noah’s Ark Deck area = 3 X Tabernacle courtyard Deck area = 300 X 50 = 3 X 100 X 50 = 15,000 square cubits Deck height = Holy of Holies height (10 cubits) Ark height = 3 X Holy of Holies’ height Ark height = 30 cubits = 3 X 10 = 30 cubits
Noah’s Ark as a Model of the Ark of the Covenant Same Greek word, kibotos in the Septuagint Ratio of width:height = 3:5
Noah’s Ark and Moses’ Basket Illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us by Charles Foster
Noah’s Ark and Moses’ Basket Pharaohs daughter finds baby Moses floating in Nile, engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883),
Noah’s Ark and Moses’ Basket Hebrew word for Moses’s basket is the same for Noah’s Ark Similar materials of construction (reeds and pitch; Exodus 2:3) Basket placed in the water (Exodus 2:10) Water covered primordial Earth No rudder; navigation by God’s grace
Discussion Questions In your opinion, what do the numerical relationships between Noah’s Ark and the Ark of the Covenant signify?
Discussion Questions In your opinion, what do the numerical relationships between Noah’s Ark and the Ark of the Covenant signify? What do the similarities between Noah’s Ark and the basket of Moses signify?