Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 -1527) Statecraft 23 July 2013
Machiavelli’s Introduction Niccolo Machiavelli is a great philosopher. He was born at Florence (Italy) on 1469 and passed away on 1527. His father was lawyer but his interest was to be a great politician. He was a rigid philosopher who allowed to ruler to use much power to control people. Major books written by Machiavelli are “The Prince”, The Discourses on Livy”, “The Art of War”, “The History of Florence” etc.
Machiavelli's Statecraft Machiavelli's doctrine is a theory of the preservation of the state rather than a theory of the state itself. George Sabine says: "he writes about nothing and thinks about nothing except politics, statecraft and the art of war". In his book "The Prince, he gave expression to his practical experience regarding the means to be employed for the integrity of the state. He puts many advices to rulers when the ruler ruled over the people, which are considered as Machiavelli's concept on Statecraft. follows:
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Combine the qualities of lion and fox The ruler should set fear in the minds of his subjects but no so much as to result in hatred towards him. He should have the courage of lion and the cunning of a fox. Force and fraud are the main shields in his hands who can use them at the proper time and place.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Use forces ruthlessly: He advices to the ruler to use four formulas of forces, Like: Sam, Dam, Danda and Bhed.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Use persuasion artfully: A ruler must use force as per required, but sometime, ruler must convince to people artfully to gain and sustain power by following propagandist politics.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Maintain a strong national army: The king must not rely on mercenaries/bodyguard. He should have a well trained army of his own who must be patriotic.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Avoid being hated: The ruler should set fear in the minds of his subjects but no so much as to result in hatred towards him. He should have the courage of lion and the cunning of a fox.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Do not keep much faith: Machiavelli knew that love of flattery was the greatest weakness of rulers which could deviate them from the right path. He, therefore, advises the ruler that the only way to guard against the danger of flatterers was to let men understand that to tell him the truth did not offend him.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Follow the policy of balance of power in international affairs: Adopt divide and rule. The defense of the state is the primary duty of the ruler and if he feels that the enemy is about to attack his country, he must take the lead and destroy the enemy.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Assume power as the end of politics: In case of war between two of his neighbors, he should never remain neutral. He must take sides. He should not take the side of the stronger one rather he should take the side of the weaker so that after victory he should to oblige to him for his support.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft Other strategies for Ruler: Machiavelli says that a prudent king should not be a good listener but an aggressive and constant inquirer. A king who himself is not wise, will never take good advice. He advises the ruler/prince to keep faith only when no disadvantage will result from so doing.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft The ruler should never confiscate the property of his subjects because people can easily forget the killing of their fathers but never forget the loss of their property. A prudent ruler will always patronize art and literature to win the sympathies of intellectuals.
Machiavelli’s Statecraft A ruler must be free from emotional distances. He must be ready and capable of taking advantages of the emotions of other people. He must be cool and calculating opportunist.