L.O: SWBAT explain how streams carry sediment (rock particles) Sediments&Streams Open to the top of page 6.Using the chart draw the relationship for stream velocity and particle size.
flowing streams carries pebbles, rocks, sand and other sediment! a high velocity (fast) stream is strong. High velocity streams carry large sediment. flowing streams carries pebbles, rocks, sand and other sediment! low velocity (slow) streams are weak. They only carry small sized sediment or they deposit (drop) large sized sediment. L.O: SWBAT explain how streams carry sediment (rock particles)
Question: what stream velocity can carry cobbles? Answer: ~ 150 cm/sec OR GREATER
stream velocity (how fast a stream moves) is determined by: The STREAMDISCHARGE STREAM GRADIENT
The river moves faster, because it contains a larger volume of water Which flowing water moves faster the river or the dripping faucet? why? The river moves faster, because it contains a larger volume of water
Discharge & Carrying Power Discharge: the volume of water flowing past a given point in a certain period of time. Carrying Power: the total amount of sediment and the size of sediment that a stream carries. Carrying power depends on the speed and discharge of a stream.
Stream load: The stream LOAD is the material a stream carries. The load of a stream is carried in THREE ways. As DISSOLVED particles Fine sediment (CLAY, SILT, and colloids (“powders” of sedment)) Large sand, pebbles
Sediments travel by Sediments are carried by: 1) Solution (dissolved in the water) Example: Salt 2) Suspension (flow with the water) Example: Clay, Silt, Colloids 3) Saltation (Bouncing along the bottom) Example: Sand 4) Rolling and Sliding Example: Boulders, Cobbles, Pebbles
STREAM GRADIENT: is the slope (gradient) of the stream. Steep gradient at head Gentle gradient at mouth
at which angle will a stream move the fastest? Why?
The stream will move fastest at 200 because that’s the highest gradient (highest slope)
steep gradient (slope) equals faster stream velocity.
Horizontal sorting happens when moving water enters a larger body of water. When the stream slows down the largest, roundest and densest particles are dropped off first.
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