Key Flaps for Chapter 1 Terms. Chapter 1 Key Flap Jigsaw Get with a partner, you have 15 minutes to exchange vocabulary terms from Ch 1 key flaps. Make sure you have at total of 15 key flaps!
Chapter 1: Looking at the Earth World Culture and Geography 1st period Ms. Nguyen Chapter 1: Looking at the Earth
I. What is Geography? A. Geography comes from the Greek word “geographia” that means “to describe the earth.” 1. Geography is the study of distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth.
II. The 5 themes of geography 1. Location a. Absolute Location- the exact place on earth where a geographic feature (ie. a city) is found. *** Know*** 1.Hemisphere 2.Equator 3.Prime Meridian 4.Latitude Line 5.Longitude Line
b. Relative Location- describes how a place is related to its surrounding environment. ie. CHS is 5 blocks from the Yum Yum shop
2. Place a. the physical features and cultural characteristics of a location
Take out a sheet of paper and label: Your name World Culture and Geography Ms. Nguyen Pop Quiz Today’s Date
3. Region a. an area of the earth’s surface with similar characteristics. ie. Physical, Economic, Political, Cultural 1. Formal Region: The United States, Sahara Desert 2. Functional Region: Highway, hub, suburb 3. Perceptual Region: North Central Florida
4. Human- Environment Interaction a. what is a hot day and warm day to you versus another person ?
Summary: Explain the 5 themes of geography. 5. Movement a. how do people/thing get from one place to another? Types of distance: 1. Linear Distance- how far across the earth a person, idea, or a product travels 2. Time Distance- the amount of time it takes for a person, idea, or product to travel. 3. Psychological Distance- the way people view distance Summary: Explain the 5 themes of geography.
III. The Geographer’s tools 1.Maps and Globes a. Two or Three Dimensions: 1. Globe- a three-dimensional representation of the earth. 2. Maps- 2-D graphic representation of selected parts of the earth’s surface. 3. Cartographer- mapmaker 4. Map Projection- a way of drawing the earth’s surface that reduces distortion cased by presenting a round earth on a flat surface. P18-19 5. Satellites- provide Geographic data 6. Global Positioning System (GPS) a system of 24 satellites call Navstars which beams information to earth pinpointing location.
3. Thematic Map IV. Types of Mapes 1. Physical Map 2. Political Map help you see the types of landform and bodies of water found in a specific area. a. shows features on the earth’s surface that humans created. ie. Cities, states, provinces, territories, or countries concentrate on specific information. ie. Climate, vegetation, or people
4. Flow-Line Map a. illustrate movement using arrows to represent the direction of movement.
Name the type of Map
Chapter 2.1 The Structure of the Earth 1) Atmosphere- a layer of gas that surrounds the earth. ie. The layer with oxygen we breath 2) Lithosphere- the sold rock portion of the earth’s surface ie. The curst and uppermost mantle 3) Hydrosphere- the water element of the earth 4) Biosphere- the part of the earth where plants and animals live
2. Pangaea (Page 29) 3. Continental Drift-Theory by Alfred Wegener. a. earth used to be one super continent a. A theory that the earth was once a super continent and over time broke and drifted apart.
Page 24: Main Idea 1-10 Answer Key Absolute location gives an exact position of a feature on the earth’s surface. Relative location describes the feature’s relationship to other features on the earth. Physical features such as rivers or mountains, human-made features such as cities highways, and other cultural aspects may be a part of place description. Place describes what a location is like. Region describes how places are similar or different. Geographers study movement to understand how people, goods, and ideas move from place to place. A map shows location of places on the earth and of one place relative to another. Satellites provide accurate date for a map. It allows geographers to view many different aspects of a specific place. Small-scale maps show large areas with less detail. Large-scale maps show smaller areas but with more details. Color, shading, or contour lines can be used to show relief. Thematic maps include: cartograms, qualitative, flow-line, vegetation, climate, population density, historical, and natural resources, and economic activities map.
Page 25: Geographic Skills (1-3) Approximately 15 degress-40 degrees S, 110 degree- 150 degree E. South America is south of North America and west of Africa. The Atlantic Ocean.
Summary Questions: Define Absolute Location Describe the difference between a Thematic map versus Political map How many degrees of longitude are there? What formal regions are located in the Western Hemisphere? Why do geographers rely heavily on satellites to gather geographic data?